smallifiy uses Image Magick, please install first
sudo apt-get install imagemagick
for CBR files, you'll need rar and unrar:
sudo apt install rar unrar
smallify-recurse is a Python3 script (you need Python3)
Put files into a known folder of your PATH (exemple : .local/bin
or make links (ln) between your git clone folder files, and your path .local/bin
Make sure they have execution (x) permission
(if not, chmod +x filename
In a folder containing multiple cbr and/or cbz files,
open a Terminal and type :
This will smallify all comics and saves in "Smaller_comics" default folder
Safe to use.
smallify-all -f "My low bandwith comics
smallify-all --folder "My low bandwith comics
This will create My low bandwith comics
folder and store smallified comics inside.
Safe to use
smallify-all -r
smallify-all --replace
This will REPLACE your original comics !! BE CAREFUL !
JPEG quality and image height can be specified with -q and -s options
smallify-all -q 70 -s 1920
smallify-all -q 70 -s 1920 --replace
You are able to 'skip' files under a certain size (in Mo) with -k (or --skip) option
smallify-all -k 20
smallify-all -q 70 -s 1920 --replace --skip 20
For recursive, you can use :
(all sub-folders)
smallify-recurse -d 2
(2 sub-level depth)
for current folder only
smallify-recurse -d 0
- -d, --depth : choose level of recursivity
Other options ar the same.
- -h, --help : display help
- -r, --replace : replace comiccs (BE CAREFUL !)
- -f, --folder : choose a name for your smallified comics output folder
- -q QUALITY, --quality QUALITY : jpeg quality (0 to 100). default is 70
- -s SIZE, --size SIZE Image height. default is 1920
- -k SKIP, --skip SKIP Skip files under this size (in Mo).
smallify-recurse -r
or smallify-recurse --replace
will replace your comics, with a top-down recursivity.
Be careful !
Arguments can be mixed :
smallify-recurse -d 0 -r
smallify-recurse -d0 -f "my folder"
smallify-recurse -q 70 -s 1920 -r
smallify-recurse -q 70 -s 1920 -r -k 20