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Bulk Deploy Kubeflow On Codelab Test Projects

This directory contains tools for automatically deploying instances of Kubeflow in codelab test projects.

The scripts are intended to run on a kubeflow cluster.

project: kf-codelab-admin cluster: codelab-admin-v06

  • This is a Kubeflow v0.6 cluster
  • This is an attempt to work around the problems we are seeing with workload identity enabled clusters namespace: kubeflow-jlewi * Use this namespace because this has K8s secrets with the GCP service account credentials

cluster: codelab-admin


In order for to modify the codelab project you need to grant OWNER privileges to the GCP service account used by the K8s job

Instructions bulk setup of kubeflow codelab projects

  1. If necessary modify setup-codelab-project.yaml to configure how each Kubeflow instance will be deployed.

    • This YAML file defines a K8s job which is used as a template for each K8s job that is created to setup a Kubeflow instance

    • This K8s job uses kubeflow.testing.create_unique_kf_instance to deploy Kubeflow

    • The arguments of kubeflow.testing.create_unique_kf_instance control how Kubeflow is deployed and you may want to change them

    • The most important parameters are

      • kfname The name of the Kubeflow deployment
      • kfctl_path The URL of the kfctl binary to use to deploy Kubeflow
        • Its also possible to build kfctl from a specific commit but that's slower
      • kfctl_config The URL of the KFDef manifest used for each deployment
      • zone The zone to deploy in
  2. Modify bulk-deploy.yaml to configure a K8s job to run bulk deployment

    • Set the following command line arguments in the YAML file

      • --project-base-name* The base name of the codelab project (should end with a hyphen)
      • --start-index The start index for generating project names
      • --end-index The end for the range (non-inclusive)
  3. Launch a K8s job running bulk deploy

    kubectl create -f bulk-deploy.yaml
    • This job will launch one K8s job for each Kubeflow deployment
    • All of the launched K8s jobs will have the same value for the group label
    • The bulk-deploy job will wait for all of the jobs in the group to finish
  4. Run a K8s job to check whether each Kubeflow deployment has an endpoint that is accessible

  • Set the following command line arguments

    • --kfname The name for Kubeflow deployments
    • --project-base-name* The base name of the codelab project (should end with a hyphen)
    • --start-index The start index for generating project names
    • --end-index The end for the range (non-inclusive)
* Launch the job

  kubectl create -f test-codelab-endpoints.yaml

* The job will print out which projects in the CSV file have accessible Kubeflow deployments

Deleting Kubeflow Deployments In Bulk

  1. Modify delete-codelab-endpoints.yaml

    • Set the following command line arguments

      • --kfname The name for Kubeflow deployments
      • --project-base-name* The base name of the codelab project (should end with a hyphen)
      • --start-index The start index for generating project names
      • --end-index The end for the range (non-inclusive)
  2. Create the job

    kubectl create -f delete-codelab-endpoints.yaml

Helpful one liners

Get all deploy jobs for a specific project

kubectl -n kubeflow-jlewi  get pods -l project=${PROJECT} --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp