Use SignalFx to monitor Azure Storage via Microsoft Azure.
Azure Storage Account: Shows metrics of a storage account.
Azure Storage Accounts: Shows metrics of all storage accounts being monitored.
To access this integration, connect to Microsoft Azure.
Azure Storage Account
Ingress Traffic - Amount of incoming data in bytes aggregated by API call.
Egress Traffic - Amount of outgoing data in bytes aggregated by API call.
Latency of Successful Requests - Average latency in milliseconds to process a successful request for each API call.
End to End Latency of Successful Requests - Average end-to-end latency in milliseconds of successful requests made for each API call.
Availability by API Call - Shows the availability for each of the API calls being made.
Transactions - Number of API calls aggregated by API call.
Used Capacity - Capacity used by the account in bytes.
Azure Storage Accounts
Top Accounts by Used Capacity - List of storage accounts by top used capacity.
Lowest Available Storage Server - Lists the storage accounts with lowest availability aggregated across all API calls.
Top Accounts by Transactions - List of storage accounts by top transactions.
Latency of Successful Requests - Distribution of latencies in milliseconds to process a successful request call.
End to End Latency of Successful Requests - Distribution of end-to-end latencies in milliseconds of successful requests.
Total Network Ingress - Amount of incoming data in bytes into all accounts combined.
Total Network Egress - Amount of outgoing data in bytes from all accounts combined.
For more information about the metrics emitted by Azure Storage, visit here.
This integration is released under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for more details.