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SSCMA Example for SG200X

This repository provides a compilation framework for developing and running applications on the ReCamera platform. It includes setup instructions, compilation steps, and installation guidelines.

Project Directory Structure

├── cmake         # Build scripts
├── components    # Functional components
├── docs          # Documentation
├── images        # Images
├── scripts       # Scripts
├── solutions     # Applications
├── test          # Tests
└── tools         # Tools


1. Clone and Set Up ReCamera-OS

This project depends on ReCamera-OS, which provides the necessary toolchain, SDK, and runtime environment. Ensure you have cloned and set up ReCamera-OS from the following repository:

🔗 ReCamera-OS GitHub Repository

git clone
cd reCamera-OS
# Follow the setup instructions in the repository

2. Use a Prebuilt SDK (Optional)

If you do not wish to build ReCamera-OS manually, you can download a prebuilt SDK package:

  1. Visit ReCamera-OS Releases.

  2. Download the latest reCamera_OS_SDK_x.x.x.tar.gz package.

  3. Extract the package and set the SDK path:

    export SG200X_SDK_PATH=<PATH_TO_RECAMERA-OS-SDK>/sg2002_recamera_emmc/

Compilation Guide

Follow these steps to set up the environment, compile the project, and generate the necessary application package.

1. Clone This Repository

git clone
cd sscma-example-sg200x
git submodule update --init

2. Configure Environment

Set up the required paths before building the application:

export SG200X_SDK_PATH=<PATH_TO_RECAMERA-OS>/output/sg2002_recamera_emmc/
export PATH=<PATH_TO_RECAMERA-OS>/host-tools/gcc/riscv64-linux-musl-x86_64/bin:$PATH

3. Build the Application

Navigate to the project directory and compile:

cd solutions/helloworld
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
cmake --build build

If the build process completes successfully, the executable binary should be available in the build directory.

4. Package the Application

To prepare the application for distribution, package it using cpack:

cd build && cpack

This will generate a .deb package, which can be installed on the device.

Deploying the Application

1. Transfer the Package to the Device

Use scp or other file transfer methods to copy the package to the ReCamera device:

scp build/helloworld-1.0.0-1.deb recamera@

Replace recamera@ with the actual username and IP address of your device.

2. Install the Application

Log into the device via SSH and install the package using opkg:

ssh recamera@
sudo opkg install /tmp/helloworld-1.0.0-1.deb

Note: sudo password is the same as the WEB UI password. default is recamera.

3. Run the Application

Once installed, you can run the application:

Hello, ReCamera!

For more information, go to the specific solution's README.