Over the years, I've written a number of bash wrappers on top of ping(8)
, to add things like timestamps, logging, or trying to determine which packets in a sequence were dropped or otherwise lost.
As part of a recent project, I've been converting my old shell scripts to Go, and this was next in the list.
Built using pro-bing.
Builds available here.
The following configuration methods are accepted, in order of highest to lowest priority:
- Command-line flags
- Environment variables
Added features compared to ping(8)
- Prepending timestamps
- Displaying dropped packets
- Specifying intervals with units (h,m,s,ms,...ns)
- Logging to a file
- Colorized output
- View current statistics with <Return>
For colorized output to work on Windows 10 with Powershell prior to v7.2.2, you need to enable VT support.
This can be done (persistently and globally) in the following ways:
- From Powershell, by running
Set-ItemProperty HKCU:\Console VirtualTerminalLevel -Type DWORD 1
- From Command Prompt, by running
reg add HKCU\Console /v VirtualTerminalLevel /t REG_DWORD /d 1
Either method requires a new terminal session to take effect.
Support on older versions is not guaranteed.
Colors can be stripped from log files via the strip
subcommand, e.g. pinglog strip file.log
You may need to run sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ping_group_range="0 2147483647"
on Linux hosts.
(See here for details)
Almost all options configurable via flags can also be configured via environment variables.
The associated environment variable is the prefix ROULETTE_
plus the flag name, with the following changes:
- Leading hyphens removed
- Converted to upper-case
- All internal hyphens converted to underscores
For example:
--count 10
--output host.log
A more featureful ping tool.
pinglog [flags] <host>
pinglog [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
loss Calculate periods of packet loss from log file(s)
strip Strip ANSI color codes from log file
-b, --beep enable audible bell for exceeded max-rtt (default true)
-C, --color enable colorized output (default true)
-c, --count uint number of pings to send
-d, --dropped log dropped pings (default true)
-f, --force overwrite log file without prompting
-h, --help help for pinglog
-i, --interval duration time between pings (default 1s)
-4, --ipv4 force dns resolution to ipv4
-6, --ipv6 force dns resolution to ipv6
-m, --max-rtt duration colorize pings over this rtt (default 1h0m0s)
-o, --output string[="<hostname>.log"] write to the specified file as well as stdout
-q, --quiet only display summary at end
-s, --size uint16 size of payload, in bytes (default 56)
-w, --timeout duration timeout before ping exits, regardless of number of packets sent or received (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
-t, --timestamp prepend timestamps to output (default true)
-T, --ttl uint16 maximum time-to-live (default 128)
-V, --version display version and exit
Use "pinglog [command] --help" for more information about a command.
From inside the cloned repository, build the image using the following command:
REGISTRY=<registry url> LATEST=yes TAG=alpine ./build-docker.sh