AutoSafeCoder: A Multi-Agent Framework for Securing LLM Code Generation through Static Analysis and Fuzz Testing
This repository contains the source code, and experimental results of the paper AutoSafeCoder: A Multi-Agent Framework for Securing LLM Code Generation through Static Analysis and Fuzz Testing
conda create -p ./env python=3.10 -y && \
conda activate ./env && \
pip install openai && \
pip install datasets && \
pip install bandit && \
pip install boto3 && \
pip install defusedxml && \
pip install jwt && \
pip install Django && \
pip install Flask && \
pip install mysql-connector-python && \
pip install PyJWT && \
pip install regex && \
pip install Flask-Limiter
conda create -p ./env python=3.10 -y && \
conda activate ./env && \
pip install -r requirements.txt
In, add your OpenAi API key and select the openAI model to use
openai.api_key = 'YOUR-API-KEY-HERE'
model="gpt-4o" can be used to reproduce experiments using SecurityEval and HumanEval can be used to run code functionality evaluations for our paper
the results folder contain the ouput files created when running the experiments.