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Jaws Board game AI Companion. Based on Phaser3 + TypeScript + Parcel

We're gonna need a bigger boat.


Live demo:


You'll need Node.js, npm, and Parcel installed.

It is highly recommended to use Node Version Manager (nvm) to install Node.js and npm.

For Windows users there is Node Version Manager for Windows.

Install Node.js and npm with nvm:

nvm install node

nvm use node

Replace 'node' with 'latest' for nvm-windows.

Then install Parcel:

npm install -g parcel-bundler

Getting Started

Clone this repository to your local machine:

git clone

This will create a folder named Jaws. You can specify a different folder name like this:

git clone my-folder-name

Go into your new project folder and install dependencies:

cd phaser3-typescript-parcel-template # or 'my-folder-name'
npm install

Start development server:

npm run start

To create a production build:

npm run build

Production files will be placed in the dist folder. Then upload those files to a web server. 🎉

Project Structure

    ├── dist
    ├── node_modules
    ├── public
    ├── src
    │   ├── consts
    │   │   ├── ZoneNames.ts
    │   ├── objects
    │   │   ├── Swimmer.ts    
    │   ├── scenes
    │   │   ├── Intro.ts
    │   ├── utils
    │   │   ├── JawsAI.ts    
    │   ├── index.html
    │   ├── main.ts
    ├── package.json

TypeScript files are intended for the src folder. main.ts is the entry point referenced by index.html.

If you want to know how the shark thinks / behaves... go directly to the JawsAI.ts code logic.

Static Assets

Any static assets like images or audio files should be placed in the public folder. It'll then be served at http://localhost:8000/images/my-image.png

Example public structure:

    ├── img
    │   ├── attack.png
    ├── audio
    │   ├── ...
    ├── fonts
    │   ├── ...
    ├── scripts
    │   ├── ...    

Phaser framework loads those assets like this: this.image.load('my-image', 'images/my-image.png').

Dev Server Port

You can change the dev server's port number by modifying the start script in package.json. We use Parcel's -p option to specify the port number.

The script looks like this:

parcel src/index.html -p 8000

Change 8000 to whatever you want.

Other Notes

parcel-plugin-clean-easy is used to ensure only the latest files are in the dist folder. You can modify this behavior by changing parcelCleanPaths in package.json.

parcel-plugin-static-files is used to copy static files from public into the output directory and serve it. You can add additional paths by modifying staticFiles in package.json.


MIT License


No description, website, or topics provided.







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  • TypeScript 99.5%
  • Other 0.5%