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This document has instructions for how to run MiniGo for the following modes/precisions:

Instructions and scripts for model training and inference for other precisions are coming later.

FP32 training Instructions

  1. Minigo project will install a specific Tensorflow version, which may change the python environment. Thus, we recommend to use conda or virtualenv to create a separate environment for running Minigo project.

  2. Clone the minigo repository with the specified SHA, since we are using an specified version of the models repo for MiniGo. The minigo repo will be used for running training as well as download required files from Google Cloud Storage.

git clone --single-branch --branch mlperf.0.6
cd minigo
git checkout 60ecb12f29582227a473fdc7cd09c2605f42bcd6
  1. Obtain Minigo checkpoint and target data from Google Cloud Storage

2.1 (Optional) Install gsutil

If you have installed gsutil before, please skip this step. You may type command gsutil --version to check whether the gsutil has already been installed

unzip -d $HOME
export PATH=${PATH}:$HOME/gsutil

2.2 Download the checkpoint and target folders and copy them to the minigo/mlperf directory

# under minigo directory
gsutil cp -r gs://minigo-pub/ml_perf/0.6/target ml_perf/

# organize target folders
cd ml_perf/target
mkdir 9
mv target* ./9
cd ../../

# organize checkpoint folders
gsutil cp -r gs://minigo-pub/ml_perf/0.6/checkpoint ml_perf/
cd ml_perf/checkpoint/
mv ./work_dir/work_dir/* ./work_dir/
rm -rf ./work_dir/work_dir/
mkdir 9
mv ./golden_chunks ./9
mv ./work_dir ./9
cd ../../../

The organized checkpoint folders are shown below.

└── 9
    ├── golden_chunks
    │   ├── 000000-000000.tfrecord.zz
    │   ├── 000000-000001.tfrecord.zz
    │   ├── 000000-000002.tfrecord.zz
    │   ├── 000000-000003.tfrecord.zz
    │   ├── 000000-000004.tfrecord.zz
    │   ├── 000000-000005.tfrecord.zz
    │   ├── 000000-000006.tfrecord.zz
    │   ├── 000000-000007.tfrecord.zz
    │   ├── 000000-000008.tfrecord.zz
    │   └── 000000-000009.tfrecord.zz
    └── work_dir
        ├── checkpoint
        ├── model.ckpt-9383.index
        └── model.ckpt-9383.meta

The organized target folders are shown below.

└── 9
    ├── target.index
    └── target.meta
  1. Install the MPI kits

3.1 Install Intel MPI

If you have installed Intel MPI before, please skip this step.

Download and install the Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux. Once you have the l_mpi_2019.3.199.tgz downloaded, unzip it into /home/<user>/l_mpi directory.

If you want to make the silent installation. Change the value of "ACCEPT_EULA" to "accept" in /home/<user>/l_mpi/l_mpi_2019.3.199/silent.cfg, before start the silent installation. Run sh --silent silent.cfg to complete the installation. The software is installed by default to "/opt/intel" location.

Otherwise, you can make the custom installation. Run sh and make the custom options.

tar -zxvf l_mpi_2019.3.199.tgz -C /home/<user>/l_mpi
cd /home/<user>/l_mpi/l_mpi_2019.3.199

# 1. Silent installation
# change the value of "ACCEPT_EULA" to "accept"
vim silent.cfg
sh --silent silent.cfg

# 2. Custom installation
# Follow the instructions and complete the installation

3.2 Install mpi4py

# set the necessary environmental variables
source /<mpi-installed-path>/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/bin/ intel64
export PATH=/<mpi-installed-path>/intel/impi/2019.3.199/intel64/bin/:$PATH
export MPICC=/<mpi-installed-path>/intel/impi/2019.3.199/intel64/bin/mpiicc
export CC=icc

# install the mpi4py package
pip install mpi4py
  1. Install essential tools

Check you have installed all the tools before start training.

4.1 Install gcc

The project has been tested on gcc 8.2.0. We recommend to run the project with gcc > 7.2.0.

git clone -b releases/gcc-8.2.0
cd gcc
./configure  --prefix=/path/to/gcc
make install
export PATH=/path/to/gcc/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/gcc/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

4.2 Install bazel 0.22.0

Currently, only bazel release 0.22.0 works Minigo training.

chmod 755
./ --prefix=/<user>/bazel
rm /root/.bazelrc
export PATH=/<user>/bazel/bin:$PATH

4.3 Install zlib

tar -xzf
cd zlib-1.2.11
./configure --prefix=/path/to/zlib
make install
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/path/to/zlib/include:$C_INCLUDE_PATH
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/path/to/zlib/include:$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/zlib/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  1. Clone the intelai/models repository. This repository has the launch script for running the model, which we will use in the next step.
git clone
  1. Environment variables setting
source /<mpi-installed-path>/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/bin/ intel64
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/<mpi-installed-path>/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.3.199/linux/mpi/intel64/libfabric/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export FI_PROVIDER=tcp
  1. Next, navigate to the benchmarks directory of the intelai/models repo that was just cloned in the previous step. MiniGo can be run for training.

7.1 Single-node training

7.1.1 Run single-node training You may run the scripts below to execute the single-node training. The flag model-source-dir is the repository cloned in step 1. The flag steps sets the num of iterations to run (1 training, 1 selfplay and 1 eval per step). The default value for step is 30. The flag quantization sets to apply int8 quantization or not and its default value is True.

cd /home/<user>/models/benchmarks
python \
    --model-source-dir /home/<user>/minigo \
    --model-name minigo \
    --framework tensorflow \
    --precision fp32 \
    --mode training \
    -- steps=30 quantization=True

7.1.2 (Optional) Optimize for large number of cores on a single node

If you run Minigo on a node with large number of cores (typically more than 200 cores and 8 sockets). You can add large_num_cores flag to enable the optimization features for large number of cores. Caution: when you have small number of cores on the node, for example 50 cores, use large_num_cores flag may downgrade the performance significantly.

cd /home/<user>/models/benchmarks
python \
    --model-source-dir /home/<user>/minigo \
    --model-name minigo \
    --framework tensorflow \
    --precision fp32 \
    --mode training \
    -- steps=30 quantization=True large_num_cores=True

7.2 Multi-node training (normal mode)

First, prepare node_list.txt to contain all node addresses. Each line for a single ip address. Then Copy the node_list.txt file to the benchmarks directory of the [intelai/models].

# file node_list.txt

# Caution: no blank space after ip address
# For the example node_list.txt 
# cat node_list.txt | wc -l  =>  5

Second, the host node where the program is launched must be able to SSH to all other hosts without any prompts. Verify that you can ssh to every other server without entering a password. To learn more about setting up passwordless authentication, please see this page. Also ensure that port 52175 on each node is not occupied by any other process or blocked by firewall.

Third, add the multi_node flag to specify the distributed training, and the num-train-nodes flag to specify the number of training nodes. The evaluation nodes and the selfplay nodes share the rest of nodes given in node_list.txt.

cd /home/<user>/models/benchmarks
python \
    --model-source-dir /home/<user>/minigo \
    --model-name minigo \
    --framework tensorflow \
    --precision fp32 \
    --mode training \
    -- steps=30 quantization=True num-train-nodes=2 multi_node=True

Fourth, if you do run on a large scale system (typically more than 32 nodes), add the large_scale flag to enable large scale mode, and num-eval-nodes flag to specify number of evaluation nodes. The number of selfplay nodes are the rest of nodes given in node_list.txt. A typical ratio of train, eval and selfplay nodes are 8 : 4 : 48. There is also an additional node for orchestrating, so a total 8+4+48+1=61 nodes needs to be used to achieve this ratio.

cd /home/<user>/models/benchmarks
python \
    --model-source-dir /home/<user>/minigo \
    --model-name minigo \
    --framework tensorflow \
    --precision fp32 \
    --mode training \
    -- steps=30 quantization=True num-train-nodes=8 num-eval-nodes=4 multi_node=True large_scale=True
  1. Generally, the model convergences in ~20 steps (average of 10 runs). The log files are saved in the value of /home/<user>/minigo/results/$HOSTNAME. Below is a sample of outputs in /home/<user>/minigo/results/$HOSTNAME:
  data  eval.log  flags  models  mpi  rl_loop.log  selfplay.log  sgf  train.log  work_dir