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Container to run proxysql in cluster mode in kubernetes.


By default te the container acts as a normal proxysql instance. To enable cluster mode the following is needed.


the container uses a service to discover if there are already master nodes up. This service can be found in


use the following command to use the service in kubernetes

kubectl create -f ./k8s/proxysql.service.yaml


To deploy the actual nodes a statefulset should be added to the kubernetes cluster This statefulset can be found in


use the following command to use the statefulset in kubernetes

kubectl create -f ./k8s/proxysql.statefulset.yaml

Helm Install

You can install using the helm repository using the following command:

helm install --name db-proxy deploy/charts/proxysql-cluster 
Parameter Description Default
image.repository proxysql image repo scienta/k8s-proxysql-cluster
image.tag proxysql image tag 1.0.0
numReplicas Number of replicas to create in StatefulSet 3
proxysql.admin.username Admin username for proxysql admin
proxysql.admin.password Admin password for proxysql admin
proxysql.admin.iface Listen network for proxysql service
proxysql.admin.port Listen port for proxysql service 6032
proxysql.clusterAdmin.username Cluster user username used by proxysql nodes to sync cluster1
proxysql.clusterAdmin.password Cluster user password used by proxysql nodes to sync secret1pass
proxysql.queryCacheSizeMb (Optional) Query cache size nil
proxysql.dataDir Directory to store proxysql tables, etc. /var/lib/proxysql
proxysql.webEnabled Enable proxysql web dashboard true
mysql.iface Listen network for mysql service connections
mysql.port Listen port fo mysql service connections 3306
mysql.monitor.username Monitor username on MySQL instances for proxysql health checks monitor
mysql.monitor.password Monitor password on MySQL instances for proxysql health checks monitor
mysql.admin.username Root / admin username on MySQL instances root
mysql.admin.password Root / admin password on MySQL instances insecurepassword
cronjob.enabled Enable k8s CronJob to set the default hostgroup to the backend having the least # databases false
resources CPU / Memory Limits and Requests {}
tolerations Pod tolerations '{}'


When the container is run with the --k8s-cluster argument the following happens:

  • the container checks if there is a node available at the proxysql service

  • If no node is available this container becomes the first master node of the cluster

    • The node deletes the proxysql server from the proxysql_servers table
    • The node adds its own ip to its proxysql_servers table
  • Else the node wil join the existing master nodes

    • The node's proxysql_servers table is synced with that of the existing master nodes
    • The node adds its own ip to the proxysql_servers table of the node exposed by the proxysql service.
    • The node deletes the proxysql service from the proxysql_servers table
  • The cluster is up and running!