Pocket device to read and write NFC tags for TonUINO project
You can find the TonUINO project at https://www.voss.earth
Forked from Daniel Wilhelm, debugging and improvements by Hans Schneider
Daniel's project site: http://itse.homeip.net/projekte/13/
Reading and writing tags using an implemented webserver. You can also do a firmware update OTA (over the air), edit the hostname, use a NTP server to get correct timestamps and switch between English and German language. All in a handy small device with builtin battery and charging circuit.
- ESP32 Dev Module (board version ESP32 2.0.1)
- RFID-RC522 Reader
- TP4056 Li-Po charging module (you have to modify the module to charge with not more than max. current for your battery)
- Li-Po battery 3,7V / 500mAh or more
- Switch 2x 1-0-1
- Enclosure (can even be found on http://itse.homeip.net/projekte/13/)
Arduino config:
- 4M (190KB SPIFFS with OTA)
- 240MHz
- 0.1.0 First stable working version
- 0.1.2 Bug: show right input options after read card
- 0.1.3 Ability to switch to German language in configuration 2022-02-29
ESP32 connections to NFC reader:
- ESP32 <-> RC522:
- 3.3V <-> 3.3V
- GND <-> GND
- D2 <-> RST
- D18 <-> SCK
- D19 <-> MISO
- D21 <-> SDA
- D23 <-> MOSI
- D22 <-> IRQ // Currently not used
Used libraries:
- FS.h
- WiFiManager.h
- ArduinoJson.h (5.13.5, 6 not yet supported!)
- TimeLib.h
- SPI.h
- MFRC522.h
- ESP32httpUpdate.h
After flashing firmware the first time using Arduino IDE the TonuinoTagWriter provides an access point named TTW_Config_xxxx where 'xxx' is the chipID of your board. You have to connect to that WiFi from your PC or mobile device. Then the TonuinoTagWriter is accessible using the IP-address After that you can choose your own WiFi to connect to. Further you have access to TonuinoTagWriter using default hostname TTW-01 (you can change in configuration menu).