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Auto animated

Make an animated on scroll widgets in 2 minutes? Easily!


ListView GridView Sliver

Getting Started

In your flutter project add the dependency:

pub package

  auto_animated: any

Api overview


  • LiveList
  • LiveSliverList


  • LiveGrid
  • LiveSliverGrid

All (Animate on scroll for all widgets in all scroll view)

  • AnimateIfVisibleWrapper
  • AnimateIfVisible

Another animated widgets

  • LiveIconButton

Options for all examples

declared options variable for all next examples

final options = LiveOptions(
  // Start animation after (default zero)
  delay: Duration(seconds: 1),

  // Show each item through (default 250)
  showItemInterval: Duration(milliseconds: 500),

  // Animation duration (default 250)
  showItemDuration: Duration(seconds: 1),

  // Animations starts at 0.05 visible
  // item fraction in sight (default 0.025)
  visibleFraction: 0.05,

  // Repeat the animation of the appearance 
  // when scrolling in the opposite direction (default false)
  // To get the effect as in a showcase for ListView, set true
  reAnimateOnVisibility: false,

declared buildAnimatedItem function for all next examples

We use standard Flutter animations. This will allow you to customize your animations as much as possible.

// Build animated item (helper for all examples)
Widget buildAnimatedItem(
  BuildContext context,
  int index,
  Animation<double> animation,
) =>
  // For example wrap with fade transition
    opacity: Tween<double>(
      begin: 0,
      end: 1,
    // And slide transition
    child: SlideTransition(
      position: Tween<Offset>(
        begin: Offset(0, -0.1),
      // Paste you Widget
      child: YouWidgetHere(),

List usage example

// With predefined options
  options: options,

  // Like ListView.builder, but also includes animation property
  itemBuilder: buildAnimatedItem,

  // Other properties correspond to the 
  // `ListView.builder` / `ListView.separated` widget
  scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
  itemCount: 10,

// Or raw
  delay: /*...*/,
  showItemInterval: /*...*/,
  // ... and all other arguments from `LiveOptions` (see above)

Grid usage example

// With predefined options
  options: options,

  // Like GridView.builder, but also includes animation property
  itemBuilder: buildAnimatedItem,

  // Other properties correspond to the `ListView.builder` / `ListView.separated` widget
  itemCount: itemsCount,
  gridDelegate: SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(
    crossAxisCount: 3,
    crossAxisSpacing: 16,
    mainAxisSpacing: 16,

// Or raw
  delay: /*...*/,
  showItemInterval: /*...*/,
  // ... and all other arguments from `LiveOptions` (see above)

Slivers usage example

LiveSliverList & LiveSliverGrid also supports .options constructor like LiveList.options() & LiveGrid.options() but in this example we omit them

final scrollController = ScrollController()
final int listItemCount = 4;
final Delay listShowItemDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 250);

  // Must add scrollController to sliver root
  controller: scrollController,

  slivers: <Widget>[
      // And attach root sliver scrollController to widgets
      controller: scrollController,

      showItemDuration: listShowItemDuration,
      itemCount: listItemCount,
      itemBuilder: buildAnimatedItem,
      // And attach root sliver scrollController to widgets
      controller: scrollController,

      // If list and grid simultaneously in sight
      // sync with LiveSliverList (see up)
      delay: listShowItemDuration * (listItemCount + 1),

      itemCount: 12,
      itemBuilder: buildAnimatedItem,
      gridDelegate: SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(
        crossAxisCount: 3,
        crossAxisSpacing: 16,
        mainAxisSpacing: 16,

Animate all widgets on scroll

You can use different animations and different appearance times for different elements.

// Wrap scrollView with [AnimateIfVisibleWrapper]
// for synchronized (consistent) child showing
  // Show each item through (default 250)
  showItemInterval: Duration(milliseconds: 150),

  child: SingleChildScrollView(
    child: Column(
      children: <Widget>[
        // First item with `FadeTransition` and show duration 500
          key: Key('item.1'),
          duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500),
          builder: (
            BuildContext context,
            int index,
            Animation<double> animation,
          ) =>
              opacity: Tween<double>(
                begin: 0,
                end: 1,
              child: YouFirstWidget(),

        // Second item with `SlideTransition` and show duration 350
          key: Key('item.2'),
          duration: Duration(milliseconds: 350),
          builder: (
            BuildContext context,
            int index,
            Animation<double> animation,
          ) =>
              position: Tween<Offset>(
                begin: Offset(0, -0.1),
              child: YouSecondWidget(),

LiveIconButton usage example

// Simple
  icon: AnimatedIcons.arrow_menu,
  onPressed: () {},

// With separate tooltips
  icon: AnimatedIcons.arrow_menu,
  firstTooltip: 'Event',
  secondTooltip: 'Add',
  onPressed: () {},