This builder contains the Github CLI tool that allows to control more Github features from the CLI (e.g. issue/pr comments, closing and reopening issues, etc.).
If you want to generate a Personal Access Token, make sure it has:
scope to access your private reposread:org
scope to access PRs within the organization
Create the secret on GCP
Follow the Official Guide to create a new secret that holds your generated github token as a value.
Use the Secret
Ensure you have the following IAM role added on your [PROJECT_ID]
service account:
- roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor
- name:
entrypoint: 'bash'
args: [ '-c', "gcloud secrets versions access latest --secret=<secret-name> --format='get(' | tr '_-' '/+' | base64 -d > token.txt" ]
- name: '$PROJECT_ID/github'
args: ['repo', 'view', 'GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-builders-community']
The builder automatically looks for a file named token.txt
which needs to hold the previously stored github token.
Create the secret on GCP
This step will encrypt the token via KMS. Remember to replace GENERATED_TOKEN
in the text
#### create a keyring for cloudbuilder-related keys
gcloud kms keyrings create cloudbuilder --location global
#### create a key for the github token
gcloud kms keys create github-token --location global --keyring cloudbuilder --purpose encryption
#### create the encrypted token
echo -n $TOKEN | gcloud kms encrypt \
--plaintext-file=- \
--ciphertext-file=- \
--location=global \
--keyring=cloudbuilder \
--key=github-token | base64
Use the encrypted key
The encrypted key (output from previous command) can now simply be used within the cloudbuilder configuration file like so:
Note that you need to specify
directly instead of using$PROJECT_ID
within secrets
- name: '$PROJECT_ID/github'
args: ['repo', 'view', 'GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-builders-community']
- kmsKeyName: 'projects/[PROJECT_ID]/locations/global/keyRings/cloudbuilder/cryptoKeys/github-token'