Unfollow everyone you followed on GitHub using Python Selenium Chrome driver
- Login to your GitHub account using your password and username
- Find your following list
- Use Selenium to press the unfollow buttons
usage: python3 unfollow.py [username] [password] [maxpage]
positional arguments:
username Your Github username
password The password of your Github account for login
maxpage Github page number
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
python unfollow.py SatinWuker passswooord 4
This is the libraries that are required: requirements
In addition, you also need to install the Chromedriver that is compatible to your browser. Then, you need to put it with unfollow.py, under the same path.
If you are using Linux or MacOS, you can download Chromedriver-linux64 or Chromedriver-mac64, and change the path in unfollow.py, line 5.
- Do not over use it, because over using may cause trouble to GitHub server.
- Before running this gizmos, I recommend you to add a sleep(0.5)