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The website is a new frontend for Dawnshard that serves as the public-facing home for the project. It also allows players to view the news, time attack rankings, or administer their account by offering e.g. save export.

It uses SvelteKit 4 and is deployed as a server-side-rendered web app with adapter-node.

The project uses pnpm to manage packages locally, and has code style enforced by prettier and eslint.


To set up this project locally, first install dependencies:

pnpm i

Then start the Vite dev server:

pnpm run dev


Some of the Playwright tests which require a login to BaaS make use of private environment variables to know which credentials to use. To run these tests, make a file called .env.local in ./tests/ with the following content:


These must be a valid login to the real website. It is not required for them to have any Dawnshard save data.


The website uses OAuth with DragaliaBaas as an identity provider. When a user logs in, they are redirected to the BaaS to authorize their linked account, and given an JSON web token as a cookie which can be used to authenticate against the main server.