tag:github.com,2008:https://github.com/SahneeDEV/slow-tree/releasesRelease notes from slow-tree2019-03-14T23:07:42Ztag:github.com,2008:Repository/169905903/1.1.02019-03-14T23:10:13ZCunning Conifer<p>What's new:</p>
<li>Added zooming and panning for both desktop and mobile.</li>
<li>Updated third party code.</li>
<p>Simply download the slow-tree.zip and place it at the root of any webserver capable of serving static files(Apache, Nginx, ...). Just opening the index.html will not work. (Or visit <a href="https://tree.sahnee.de/" rel="nofollow">https://tree.sahnee.de/</a> and play online!)</p>SachsKayleetag:github.com,2008:Repository/169905903/1.0.12019-03-14T23:10:49ZBaffling Broadleaf<p>What's new:</p>
<li>Initial release of slow-tree (1.0.0 is not available for download.)</li>
<p>Simply download the slow-tree.zip and place it at the root of any webserver capable of serving static files(Apache, Nginx, ...). Just opening the index.html will not work. (Or visit <a href="https://tree.sahnee.de/" rel="nofollow">https://tree.sahnee.de/</a> and play online!)</p>SachsKaylee