Nepali Date Converter converts Bikram sambat Nepali date to English date and vice versa. It is a date converter between Bikram sambat B.S and Gregorian calendar (Anno Domini)(A.D). Now Bikram Sambat Nepali Date Converter can convert dates from 2000B.S - 2090B.S. Nepali Date Converter is functioning almost around 2 years, in this time several fixes and updates are made to make results accurate and error free. Adhik maas or Purushottam maas with DST if applicable are determined and pre calculated here so you will get accurate date conversion. Useful for converting nepali date of birth to english, historical nepali dates, filling online application form, etc and vice versa.
Install composer from here.
Install Git bash from here
Create a project by running command on git bash:
composer create-project laravel/laravel DateConverter
Go to the project :
cd DateConverter
Create a Controller :
php artisan make:controller DateController
And now write the code into DateController by cloning as follows
git clone
Create two functions in helpers as
if (!function_exists('get_nepali_date')) {
function get_nepali_date($date)
$bsdate = new DateController();
return $bsdate->eng_to_nep($date);
if (!function_exists('get_english_date')) {
function get_english_date($date)
$bsdate = new DateController();
return $bsdate->nep_to_eng($date);
Don't forget to import the DateController class in helper
use App\Http\Controllers\DateController;
Now Create another Controller :
php artisan make:controller TestController
And now write the code into TestController as follows
public function convert()
echo get_nepali_date($english_date);// A.D. to B.S.
echo "\n";
echo get_english_date($nepali_date);// B.S. to A.D.
Now create a url for the convert function TestController
Now run the project and goto url
php artisan serve
#goto url
The date format should be in "Y-m-d"