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Ember Typeahead.js Component

An autocomplete component for ember.js using typeahead.js


Include typeahead.js, bloodhound.js and ember-typeahead.js

<script src="typeahead.js"></script>
<script src="bloodhound.js"></script>
<script src="ember-typeahead.js"></script>

Add the typeahead tag in your handlebars template

{{type-ahead local=content name="colour" selection=myColour}}



Using Automatic Searching

This component can automatically search sources of data using a preconfigured Bloodhound.js adapter. To provide data to this adapter the following arguments can be set on the component. To use a custom search adapter specify the source parameter specified below.

  • local - An array of ember objects used for the lookup. This can also be a promise that resolves to an array. Will be ignored if source is set.
  • prefetch - Can be a URL to a JSON file containing an array of datums or, if more configurability is needed, a prefetch options hash.
  • remote - Can be a URL to fetch suggestions from when the data provided by local and prefetch is insufficient or, if more configurability is needed, a remote options hash.

Using a Source Adapter

  • source - The backing data source for suggestions. Expected to be a function with the signature (query, cb). It is expected that the function will compute the suggestion set (i.e. an array of JavaScript objects) for query and then invoke cb with said set. cb can be invoked synchronously or asynchronously. A Bloodhound suggestion engine can be used here, to learn how, see Bloodhound Integration. Required.

Ember Integration

  • selection - Binds the selected value. This changes on the typeahead:selected and typeahead:autocompleted events (see typeahead.js custom events)


  • highlight – If true, when suggestions are rendered, pattern matches for the current query in text nodes will be wrapped in a strong element with tt-highlight class. Defaults to false.
  • hint – If false, the typeahead will not show a hint. Defaults to true.
  • minLength – The minimum character length needed before suggestions start getting rendered. Defaults to 1.


  • name – The name of the dataset. This will be appended to tt-dataset- to form the class name of the containing DOM element. Must only consist of underscores, dashes, letters (a-z), and numbers. Defaults to a random number.

  • displayKey – For a given suggestion object, determines the string representation of it. This will be used when setting the value of the input control after a suggestion is selected. Can be either a key string or a function that transforms a suggestion object into a string. Defaults to value.

  • templates – A hash of templates to be used when rendering the dataset. Note a precompiled template is a function that takes a JavaScript object as its first argument and returns a HTML string.

    • empty – Rendered when 0 suggestions are available for the given query. Can be either a HTML string or a precompiled template. If it's a precompiled template, the passed in context will contain query.

    • footer– Rendered at the bottom of the dataset. Can be either a HTML string or a precompiled template. If it's a precompiled template, the passed in context will contain query and isEmpty.

    • header – Rendered at the top of the dataset. Can be either a HTML string or a precompiled template. If it's a precompiled template, the passed in context will contain query and isEmpty.

    • suggestion – Used to render a single suggestion. If set, this has to be a precompiled template. The associated suggestion object will serve as the context. Defaults to the value of displayKey wrapped in a p tag i.e. <p>{{value}}</p>.


I didn't do any tests. For every line of untested code a puppy dies. 59 puppies died in the making of this component.


EmberJS autocomplete component using typeahead.js



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