Note the public IP of the core and relay VMs from the provisioning. Ensure the topology.json of the core node only has the relay node IP address and the relay node has both the core and the Cardano relay node. Please see the topology-core.jsont and topology-relay.jsont files for reference.
cardano-node run \
--topology ~/testnet-node/config/topology.json \
--database-path ~/testnet-node/db/ \
--socket-path ~/testnet-node/socket/node.socket \
--host-addr \
--port 3001 \
--config ~/testnet-node/config/config.json
cardano-node run \
--topology ~/node/config/topology.json \
--database-path ~/node/db/ \
--socket-path ~/node/socket/node.socket \
--host-addr \
--port 3001 \
--config ~/node/config/config.json
cardano-node run \
--topology ~/testnet-node/config/topology.json \
--database-path ~/testnet-node/db/ \
--socket-path ~/testnet-node/socket/node.socket \
--host-addr \
--port 3000 \
--config ~/testnet-node/config/config.json \
--shelley-kes-key ~/testnet-node/kc/kes.skey \
--shelley-vrf-key ~/testnet-node/kc/vrf.skey \
--shelley-operational-certificate ~/testnet-node/kc/node.cert
cardano-node run \
--topology ~/node/config/topology.json \
--database-path ~/node/db/ \
--socket-path ~/node/socket/node.socket \
--host-addr \
--port 3000 \
--config ~/node/config/config.json \
--shelley-kes-key ~/node/kc/kes.skey \
--shelley-vrf-key ~/node/kc/vrf.skey \
--shelley-operational-certificate ~/node/kc/node.cert
By registering and enabling cnode-core.service and cnode-relay.service as systemd services, these nodes can run (and restart) automatically upon system boot.
cp cnode-relay.environment ~/testnet-node/config
sudo cp cnode-relay.testnet.service /etc/systemd/system/cnode-relay.testnet.service
sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/cnode-relay.testnet.service
sudo systemctl start cnode-relay.testnet
sudo systemctl status cnode-relay.testnet # This should look good
sudo systemctl enable cnode-relay.testnet
cp cnode-relay.environment ~/node/config
sudo cp cnode-relay.service /etc/systemd/system/cnode-relay.service
sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/cnode-relay.service
sudo systemctl start cnode-relay
sudo systemctl status cnode-relay # This should look good
sudo systemctl enable cnode-relay
cp cnode-core.environment ~/node/config
sudo cp cnode-core.testnet.service /etc/systemd/system/cnode-core.testnet.service
sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/cnode-core.testnet.service
sudo systemctl start cnode-core.testnet
sudo systemctl status cnode-core.testnet # This should look good
sudo systemctl enable cnode-core.testnet
cp cnode-core.environment ~/node/config
sudo cp cnode-core.service /etc/systemd/system/cnode-core.service
sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/cnode-core.service
sudo systemctl start cnode-core
sudo systemctl status cnode-core # This should look good
sudo systemctl enable cnode-core
journalctl -u cnode-core
KES key rotation should be done on an offline PC by running based on a separately queried $KESP value and transferred securely across to the core node.
cardano-cli shelley query stake-address-info --address $(cat stake.addr) --mainnet
Some guidance from this article.
ps aux | grep cardano
sudo netstat -tpn | grep :300
sudo ss -tulpn | grep 300
or netstat -tulpn | grep 300
or lsof -i :300