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This document outlines how to install the SWMF on your system and how to create and access the documentation. To learn more about the SWMF, including how to compile and run the code, please consult the user manual. To install the SWMF and create the user manual please follow the instructions below.

Obtain SWMF

Get the source code from Git or from the tar balls.

The minimum requirement is the SWMF repository.

You may also need the SWMF_data repository that contains large data files. It can be put into the home directory or into the SWMF directory.

Some data files used by the Center for Radiative Shock Hydrodynamics (CRASH) are in the CRASH_data repository. If needed, it has to be placed into the home directory.

Getting the open-source MSTEM-QUDA/SWMF from GitHub

Clone the SWMF from GitHub

cd {where_you_want_to_have_mstem-quda}
git clone

The rest of the repositories (share, util, BATSRUS ...) will be cloned from GitHub during the installation.

Getting the full SWMF from UM GitLab (requires access)

Read the GitLab instructions about registering, passwordless access, mail notifications, and defining the "gitlabclone" (or gitclone) alias/function.

Check out the SWMF distribution

cd {where_you_want_to_have_the_swmf}
gitlabclone SWMF

Check out the SWMF_data distribution into the home directory if needed

gitlabclone SWMF_data

Check out the CRASH_data distribution into the home directory if needed

gitlabclone CRASH_data

Opening tar balls

Open SWMF tar ball

cd {where_you_want_to_have_the_swmf}
tar -xzf {path_to_file}/SWMF_v{version_number}.tgz

If needed, open the SWMF_data tar ball into the home directory

tar -xzf {path_to_file}/SWMF_data.tgz

If needed, open the CRASH_data tar ball into the home directory

tar -xzf {path_to_file}/CRASH_data.tgz

Install SWMF

Many machines used by UofM are already recognized by the share/Scripts/ script which is called by all other scripts in the SWMF. For these platform/compiler combinations installation is very simple:

./ -install

On other platforms the Fortran (and C) compilers should be explicitly given. To see available choices, type

./ -compiler

Then install the code with the selected Fortran (and default C) compiler, e.g. -install -compiler=gfortran

A non-default C compiler can be added after a comma, e.g.

./ -install -compiler=mpxlf90,mpxlc

For machines with no MPI library, use

./ -install -nompi -compiler=....

This will only allow serial execution, of course.

The ifort compiler (and possibly others too) use the stack for temporary arrays, so the stack size should be large. For csh/tcsh add the following to .cshrc:

unlimit stacksize

For bash/ksh add the following to .bashrc or equivalent initialization file:

ulimit -s unlimited

Create the manuals

Please note that creating the PDF manuals requires that LaTeX (available through the command line) is installed on your system.

To create the PDF manuals type

make PDF

in the SWMF directory. The manuals will be in the doc/ directory.

Cleaning the documentation

cd doc/Tex
make clean

To remove all the created documentation type

cd doc/Tex
make cleanpdf

Read the manuals

All manuals can be accessed by opening the top index file

open doc/index.html

You may also read the PDF files directly with a PDF reader. The most important document is the user manual in


Running tests

You can try running the standard test suite by typing

make -j test

in the main directory. The -j flag allows parallel compilation. This requires a machine where mpirun is available. The tests run on 2 CPU cores by default. The results of the tests are summarized in test_swmf.res Successful passing of the test is indicated by empty .diff files.

To run the tests on more (up to 8) cores use

make -j test NP=4

You can also run an individual test. The list of available SWMF tests can be listed with

make test_help

For example, to run test1 without MPI on a single core use

make -j test1 MPIRUN=

Copyright (C) 2002 Regents of the University of Michigan, portions used with permission. For more information, see