- Working : 🅦🅔🅑 𝕕𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕡𝕖𝕣 💻 | Cloud ☁️
- Learning : Full-Stack ⚡ | Open-Source 🔥
- Hobbies : Books 📚 | Music 🎧
- Ask me about : Anything!, I'm happy to help ✌️
- Fun fact : When most developer loves coffee:sweat_smile: But, I prefer tea :heart:
- Pronouns : He/Him 😇
My Github profile potrays my journey from writing my first Hello world program in my college to the first HTML page to the first Calculator App running on the emulator to the first Machine Learning model I trained on my system. It has been a journey of consecutive efforts and I look forward to more open source projects now. Apart from Github ask for a FIFA game anytime. Connect with me on instagram. Make pull requests and I will be happy to merge them. Also ⭐ if you like any 🤗