- challenges of reading a .csv file
- How to deal with UnicodeDecodeError?
- reading a csv file by changing the engine
- choose columns by name before reading a csv file
- choose columns by number before reading a csv file
- reading only the first n number of rows
- reading a .txt (text) or an excel (.xlsx) file
- dealing with the UnicodeDecodeError?
- renaming column names
- creating a new DataFrame?
- concatenation of two dataframes
- column splitting
- creating a new column in a dataframe
- replace/removing a value from a pandas column
- removing a column from the dataframe
- How to extract new information from a column?
- How to create a column based on a condition or function?
- Removing a string from a column
- Checking the unique values for each column
- performing calculation in dataframe columns
- dataframe sorting
- dataframe slicing
- performing data cleaning
- data visualization of missing values
- string to datetime conversion
- removing missing values
- replacing missing values by: 1. mean, 2. median, 3. constant, 4. interpolation, 5. forward imputation, 6. backward imputation
- inner join, outer join, left join, right join
- Data filtering
- Data preprocessing
- Data Aggregation/grouping
- Pivot table
- Data Visualization: Barplot
- Data Correlation
- Heatmap
- Dealing with categorical variables
- Label encoding
- One-hot encoding
- Categorical variable creation from the numeric variable