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Pins DevLog - A more detailed changelog

1.9.0 Release, TBA


  • Added support for using information placeholders in pin names.
  • Added ability to control how groups display in the menubar extra on a per-group basis.
  • Added {{monthCalendar}} placeholder for inserting a table representation of the current month's calendar.


  • Added aliases setting for pins.
  • Aliases and tags are now searchable in the 'View Pins' command.
  • Added ability to import multiple data files at once.
  • Fixed timeout error when running AppleScript scripts.


  • Added visibility setting for groups.
  • Added ability to customize the expiration action of pins.
    • Base actions include deleting the pin, moving it to a different group, or hiding/disabling it.
    • Custom actions can be defined using placeholders.
  • Added {{movePin:pinName:groupName}} directive for moving pins to a different group.
  • Added {{pinJSON}}, {{pinName}}, {{pinNotes}}, and {{pinTarget}} placeholders for getting information about the current pin.
  • Exposed the crypto, console, fs, os, path, and URL modules in the JavaScript context for use in placeholders.
  • Deprecated the use of log() in {js:...} placeholders. Use console.log() instead.


  • Added visibility setting for controlling where pins are displayed.
    • Pins can be set to show in the menu bar dropdown, the "View Pins" command, both, or neither.
    • Hidden pins can still be opened via deeplinks, while Disabled pins cannot be opened at all.
  • Added action to show/hide hidden pins in the "View Pins" command.
  • Added ability to open pins via deeplinks.
  • Added action to create a QuickLink for a pin.

1.8.0 Release, 2024-06-22


  • Added setting for configuring the default AI model.


  • Added support for additional models supported by Raycast AI.
  • Added {{deletePin:pinName}} directive for deleting pins.
  • Added {{createPin:pinName:pinTarget:pinGroup}} directive for creating new pins.


  • Added list item accessory for showing the number of pins "linked" to a pin.
    • "Linked" pins are ones that will be launched when the pin is opened.


  • Added {{launchPin:pinName}} and {{launchGroup:groupName}} placeholder directives.
  • Added action to open all pins in a group in the "View Groups" command.
  • Fixed bug where placeholders using values from LocalData would not update on time.

1.7.0 Release, 2024-01-14


  • Added target group selection in menu bar dropdown.
    • The selected group will be used when creating new pins.
  • Added support for pin tooltips in the menu bar dropdown.
  • Added alternate menu item each pin to open the pin edit form.
  • Adjust statistic calculations.


  • Use gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct instead of text-davinci-003 for AI placeholder.
  • Added quick pin for the currently playing track in Music, TV, or Spotify.
  • Fixed bug where non-document-based applications that expose an Applescript API could yield an error upon LocalData updates.
  • Improved error handling for LocalData operations.

1.6.0 Release, 2023-12-29


  • Added optional offsets parameter to the {{clipboardText}} placeholder
  • Selected text will no longer be automatically detected when the menu is opened, but will still be detected when the pin is opened.


  • Improved placeholder detection logic to better handle nested placeholders


  • Added {{write to="[Path]":...}} placeholder for writing text to a file at the specified path. The path can be absolute or relative to the user's home directory using the ~ character.
    • Supports append=(true|false) parameter for appending to the file instead of overwriting it.
    • Supports end="..." parameter for specifying an end token. The default is two newlines.
  • Added {{chooseFile}}, {{chooseFolder}}, and {{chooseApplication}} placeholders.
    • Supports multiple=(true|false) parameter for selecting multiple files/folders/applications.


  • Extract placeholders into their own node package.
  • Added placeholder tooltips, similar to PromptLab.
  • Added ability to edit or copy placeholders by right-clicking on them in the menu bar dropdown.

1.5.0 Release, 2023-11-01


  • Update dependencies, including latest Raycast API version (1.60.1).


  • Fix bug where using "}" or "{" in a placeholder's content could cause unexpected results (including code execution).


  • Fixed bug where inputting web URLs in the target field would prevent the list of 'Open With' applications from properly updating and leaving only a "None" option
  • Fixed bug where editing a pin could cause its ID to be nullified, effectively deleting the pin
  • Adjusted the {{alert:...}}, {{dialog:...}}, and {{toast:...}} placeholders to accept a title argument instead of specifying the title alongside the message in the placeholder content.
  • Added {{timezone}} placeholder. Inserts the long name of the user's timezone.


  • Added action to create a subgroup of the selected group
  • Added actions for deleting all pins or groups at once
  • Added ability to install example groups separately from example pins
  • Added ability to install example groups or pins while there are already pins/groups present. Existing items will be preserved.
  • The action to install example pins will now always display when no pins are present (same for groups)
  • Groups are now properly hidden from the menu bar dropdown when they have no pins (and no pins in their subgroups)
  • Added group statistics

1.4.0 Release, 2023-09-11


  • Various bug fixes and improvements
  • Added {{currentApplicationBundleID}} placeholder, which inserts the bundle ID of the current application
    • Aliases: {{currentAppBundleID}}, {{currentApplicationID}}, {{currentAppID}}
  • Added {{pinNames}} placeholder, which inserts a list of all pin names. Use amount=[number] argument to randomly select a number of names from the list.
  • Added {{pinTargets}} placeholder, which inserts a list of all pin targets. Can also specify amount here.
  • Added {{groupNames}} placeholder, which inserts a list of all group names. Can also specify amount here.
  • Added {{pins}} and {{groups}} placeholders for inserting the JSON representation of pins and groups, respectively. Can also specify amount here.
  • Added {{statistics}} placeholder for inserting pin statistics such as frequency of use, average execution time, and more. Use sort=[alpha|alphabetical|freq|frequency|recency|dateCreated] argument to sort the list. Also supports the amount argument.
  • Added the {{type:...}} directive to type text into the frontmost application.
  • Fixed bug where pin keyboard shortcuts would incorrectly get flagged as reserved by the extension.


  • Added settings to export Pins data in CSV, JSON, TOML, YAML, or XML format, and/or to save the data to a file.
  • Added support for customizing the icon color of pins and groups.
  • Added setting for customizing the color of the main menu bar icon.
  • The "Preferences..." menu item now opens the preferences for the menu bar command specifically
  • Added pin statistics based on their creation date, last used date, frequency of use, placeholder usage, average execution time, and more. Statistics can be viewed while editing a pin.
  • Added actions for copying pin statistics as formatted text or JSON.
  • Added "Open Placeholders Guide" menu item, along with a setting to show/hide it. Hidden by default.


  • Added keyboard shortcuts for quick pins
  • Added ability to set a keyboard shortcut for each pin. Some shortcuts are reserved for the extension itself.
  • Added support for multi-layer groups (i.e. groups within groups). The parent group can be specified by providing its ID while editing a group.
  • Added setting to hide/show the "Copy Pin Data" menu item.
  • Added setting to hide/show the "Preferences..." menu item.
  • Added setting for sorting pins alphabetically, by frequency, date last used, creation date, or manually. Groups can be controlled separately from non-grouped pins.
  • Improved group deletion logic -- now hands children off to the parent group, if one exists.
  • Added setting for showing/hiding the ID, parent, and sort method of groups.
  • Fixed a bug where moving pins up and down would sometimes rearrange pins in other groups.
  • Added ability to have Quick Pins at the top of the menu bar dropdown.


  • Added {{alert timeout=[number]:[title],[message]}} directive for displaying an alert with the specified title and message, with an optional timeout in seconds. The default timeout is 10 seconds.
  • Added {{ai model="[model]" creativity=[decimal]:...}} directive for querying Raycast AI and inserting the response. Requires Raycast Pro.
  • Added {{dialog input=[true/false] timeout=[number]:[message],[title]}} directive for displaying a dialog with the specified message and title, with an optional timeout in seconds. The default timeout is 30 seconds. If input is true, the dialog will have a text field for the user to enter text, and that text will be inserted into the pin. Otherwise, the placeholder will be replaced with an empty string.
  • Added {{say voice="[voice]" speed=[number] pitch=[number] volume=[number]:...}} directive for speaking the specified text. All arguments are optional and default to the system's defaults.
  • Added {{toast style="[success/failure/fail]":[Title],[Message]}} directive for displaying a toast notification with the specified title and optional message. The style argument is optional and defaults to "success". The notification will display as a toast if the Raycast window is open, otherwise it will display as a HUD.
    • Alias: {{hud:...}}
  • Added {{runningApplications}} placeholder, which inserts a list of all running applications. The list is newline-separated by default, but you can specify a separator with delim="...".
    • Alias: {{runningApps}}
  • Added location placeholders: {{location}}, {{address}}, {{latitude}}, {{longitude}}
    • Aliases: {{streetAddress}}, {{lat}}, {{lon}}
  • Fixed error where getting selection from Finder would fail if Finder is inactive (even if a window is open)


  • Added additional aliases for various placeholders
  • Added {{selectedFileContents}} placeholder, which inserts the text contents of the selected file(s) in Finder
  • Added {{input [prompt]:...}} placeholder, which prompts the user for input with the specified prompt using a dialog window
  • Added {{shortcut:... [input]="..."}} placeholder, which executes the specified Siri Shortcut with the specified input, if present, and inserts the result
  • Added {{shortcuts}} placeholder, which inserts a list of all Siri Shortcuts on the system
  • Added accessories for list items in "View Pins" command:
    • Expiration date, if one is set
    • Application that the pin opens with, if one is set
    • Terminal icon for Terminal command pins
    • Terminal command visibility setting
    • Text icon for text fragment pins
  • Added settings for showing/hiding each accessory in the "View Pins" command


  • Added {{set [name]:...}}, {{reset [name]}}, {{get [name]}}, and {{delete [name]}} placeholders for managing persistent variables
  • Added {{ignore:...}} placeholder, which ignores all content within it
  • Added {{copy:...}} and {{paste:...}} placeholders, which copy and paste the specified text, respectively, and show indicators accordingly


  • Added setting to treat pin target as a text fragment. "Opening" a text fragment pin will copy the raw text of the target, without applying any placeholders, executing any scripts, or opening any URLs.
  • Added Quick Pin to pin selected text as a text fragment
  • Added {{file:...}} placeholder, which inserts the text contents of the file at the specified path
    • The path can be absolute or relative to the user's home directory using the ~ character
  • Fixed bug where non-url targets that resemble URLs are sometimes treated as URLs (e.g. "button%20returned:ok" was treated as a URL, now it is not)
  • Fixed bug where leaving pin name blank did not use the target as the pin name, despite saying it would
  • Fixed bug where the {{selectedText}} placeholder caused an alert sound to play if no text was selected

1.3.0 Release, 2023-06-19


  • Added {{selectedFiles}} placeholder, which inserts the paths of the selected files in Finder as a comma-separated list


  • Added {{url:...}} placeholder, which inserts the visible text content at the specified URL
    • Alias: {{URL:...}}
  • Added {{uuid}} placeholder, which inserts a unique UUID generated at runtime
    • Alias: {{UUID}}
  • Added {{usedUUIDs}} placeholder, which inserts the list of UUIDs used by the {{uuid}} placeholder since Pins' LocalStorage was last reset
  • Added {{as:...}} and {{shell:...}} placeholders for executing AppleScript and shell scripts, respectively
  • Added {{js:...}} placeholder, which inserts the result of executing the specified JavaScript code
    • Alias: {{JS:...}}
  • Added {{previousPinName}} and {{previousPinTarget}} placeholders, which insert the URL-encoded name and target of the last pin opened
  • Added {{jxa:...}} placeholder, which inserts the result of executing the specified JavaScript for Automation code
    • Alias: {{JXA:...}}
  • Added {{day}} placeholder, which inserts the name of the current weekday
    • Alias: {{dayName}}
    • Supports specifying a locale via optional argument, e.g. {{day locale="nl-NL"}}
  • Added support for custom date and time formats in {{date}} and {{time}} placeholders
    • Supports specifying a custom format via optional argument, e.g. {{date format="yyyy-MM-dd"}} or {{time format="HH:mm:ss"}}


  • Added setting to show/hide Pin subtitles in the "View Pins" command
  • Added "Copy Pin Name" and "Copy Pin URL" actions in the "View Pins" command
  • Added "Copy Group Name" action in the "View Groups" command
  • Added {{previousApp}} placeholder, which inserts the name of the last focused application before the current one
    • Aliases: {{previousAppName}}, {{lastApp}}, and {{lastAppName}}
  • Added support for Orion browser
  • Remade Placeholders Guide in Markdown, now opens in default Markdown viewer
  • "Open Placeholders Guide" action can now be used even if pins have been created, not just on first launch
  • Fixed bug where opening a pin would attempt to apply all placeholders, even if they were not used in the pin, due to not checking for absence of aliases
    • Results in a significant speedup when opening pins
  • Significantly improve inline documentation in case someone wants to fork the repo


  • Added placeholders system inspired by PromptLab
    • Limited selection of placeholders for now
  • Added action to view placeholders guide while editing a pin
  • Added setting to hide pins with placeholders that are not currently valid, e.g. {{selectedText}} when no text selected


  • Added action to install example pins on first launch
  • Added setting to show "Create New Pin" item in menu bar dropdown
  • Improved keyword search to include group names and sub-words of pin targets
  • Moved "Pin This/These File(s)" menus into their own "Quick Pins" section, which can be hidden via settings
  • Fixed bug where menu bar dropdown would not update after adding pins for the first time


  • Added "Pin This/These Note(s)" menu item for pinning the selected note(s) in Notes
    • When multiple notes are selected, a new group will be automatically created to contain the pins
  • Added "Pin This" menu items for various document-based apps, e.g. Pages and MS Word
  • Added setting to choose which section appears first in the menu bar dropdown
    • Defaults to "Pins", which will show all non-grouped pins first, then groups second
  • Added setting to display "Recent Applications" group


  • Added per-pin "Open With" setting to allow you to choose which application to open the pin in
    • Defaults to "None", which will open the pin in the default application for the URL/path
    • Attempts to determine likely applications based on the URL/path
  • Added per-pin "Expiration Date" setting to automatically remove the pin after a given date & time
  • Added support for pinning Terminal commands
    • Command will run in a new Terminal tab
  • Added "Pin This/These File(s)" menu item for pinning the selected file(s) in Finder
    • When multiple files are selected, a new group will be automatically created to contain the pins
  • Added "Pin All Tabs" menu item for pinning all tabs in the current browser window (for supported browsers)
    • When multiple tabs are selected, a new group will be automatically created to contain the pins
  • Add ability to reorder groups (i.e. move up/down in the list & in menu bar menu)
  • Fixed bug where NEXT_PIN_ID would not be set upon importing data, causing repeated pin IDs
  • Fixed bug where pins would attempt to fetch favicons for non-URL targets, causing endless warnings in the console
  • Fixed bug where "Pin This Tab" would fail if the tab name contained commas

1.2.0 Release, 2023-05-20

  • Start of developer log.