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191 lines (143 loc) · 12.4 KB

File metadata and controls

191 lines (143 loc) · 12.4 KB



The purpose of this library is to compile the most common and simplest operations in expression trees during the build to avoid their slow compilation at runtime or invocation overhead after interpretation.


Add NuGet package to your .NET Standard 2.0 - compatible project

PM> Install-Package ExpressionDelegates.Generation

If your project doesn't have linq expressions to generate delegates from and you just want to use the generated delegates from other assemblies, please install ExpressionDelegates.Base NuGet package to avoid any code generation attempts.

PM> Install-Package ExpressionDelegates.Base


API is very simple:

ExpressionDelegates.Accessors.Find(string signature).Getter(object targetObject)
ExpressionDelegates.Accessors.Find(MemberInfo member).Setter(object targetObject, object value)

ExpressionDelegates.Methods.Find(string signature).Invoke(object targetObject, params object[] args)
ExpressionDelegates.Methods.Find(MethodInfo method).Invoke(object targetObject, params object[] args)

ExpressionDelegates.Constructors.Find(string signature ).Invoke(params object[] args)
ExpressionDelegates.Constructors.Find(Constructors constructor).Invoke(params object[] args)

Property/Field getter and setter delegates

Expression<Func<string, int>> expression = s => s.Length;
MemberInfo accessorInfo = ((MemberExpression)expression.Body).Member;

Accessor lengthAccessor = ExpressionDelegates.Accessors.Find(accessorInfo);
// or
lengthAccessor = ExpressionDelegates.Accessors.Find("System.String.Length");

var value = lengthAccessor.Get("17 letters string");
// value == 17

If property/field is read-only, Accessor.Set will be null.

If property is write-only, Accessor.Get will be null.

Method delegates

Expression<Func<string, char, bool>> expression = (s, c) => s.Contains(c);
MethodInfo methodInfo = ((MethodCallExpression)expression.Body).Method;

Method containsMethod = ExpressionDelegates.Methods.Find(methodInfo);
// or
containsMethod = ExpressionDelegates.Methods.Find("System.String.Contains(System.Char)");

var value = containsMethod.Invoke("Hello", 'e');
// value == true

Constructor delegates

Expression<Func<char, int, string>> expression = (c, i) => new string(c, i);
ConstructorInfo ctorInfo = ((NewExpression)expression.Body).Constructor;

Constructor stringCtor = ExpressionDelegates.Constructors.Find(ctorInfo);
// or
stringCtor = ExpressionDelegates.Constructors.Find("System.String.String(System.Char, System.Int32)");

var value = stringCtor.Invoke('c', 5);
// value == "ccccc"

How does it work?

ExpressionDelegates.Generation package has source code generators which run through the code of a target project right before the compilation, search for System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<T> lambdas, extract expressions for properties, fields, method and constructor invocations and generate additional .cs files with registration of their delegates.

Generated files are located in \obj\{configuration}\{platform}\g\ and look like this:

using static ExpressionDelegates.Accessors;

namespace ExpressionDelegates.AccessorRegistration
    public static class ModuleInitializer
        public static void Initialize()
            Add("NameSpace.TestClass.Field", o => ((NameSpace.TestClass)o).Field, (t, m) => ((NameSpace.TestClass)t).Field = (System.Int32)m);
            Add("NameSpace.TestClass.InternalProperty", o => ((NameSpace.TestClass)o).InternalProperty, (t, m) => ((NameSpace.TestClass)t).InternalProperty = (System.Int32)m);
            Add("NameSpace.TestClass.NestedGenericProperty", o => ((NameSpace.TestClass)o).NestedGenericProperty, (t, m) => ((NameSpace.TestClass)t).NestedGenericProperty = (System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<System.Int32, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.String>>)m);
            Add("NameSpace.TestClass.NestingClass.NestedProperty", o => ((NameSpace.TestClass.NestingClass)o).NestedProperty, (t, m) => ((NameSpace.TestClass.NestingClass)t).NestedProperty = (System.String)m);
            Add("NameSpace.TestClass.NestingProperty", o => ((NameSpace.TestClass)o).NestingProperty, (t, m) => ((NameSpace.TestClass)t).NestingProperty = (NameSpace.TestClass.NestingClass)m);
            Add("NameSpace.TestClass.Property", o => ((NameSpace.TestClass)o).Property, (t, m) => ((NameSpace.TestClass)t).Property = (System.Int32)m);
            Add("NameSpace.TestClass.StaticProperty", o => NameSpace.TestClass.StaticProperty, (t, m) => NameSpace.TestClass.StaticProperty = (System.Int32)m);
            Add("System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<System.Int32, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.String>>.Values", o => ((System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<System.Int32, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.String>>)o).Values, null);
            Add("System.String.Length", o => ((System.String)o).Length, null);

Code generation is implemented using Uno.SourceGeneration which provides the broadest framework support while maintaining C# Source Generators compatibility which target C# 9 and .NET 5. The current code generation solution is likely to be replaced with С# Source Generators in the future as .NET 5 becomes more widespread.

After the code has been compiled, ModuleInit.Fody injects ModuleInitializer.Initialize() calls into the assembly module initializer (assembly constructor) so that generated delegates plug in ExpressionDelegates classes once the target assembly is loaded. This solution will be replaced with C# 9 Module Initializers when C# 9 becomes more popular.

Possibilities and Limitations

Parameters for the delegates, their count and type checking are up to you. InvalidCastException is thrown in case of using wrong parameters for a delegate signature. IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown for an unexpected parameter count.

  • No delegates for private or protected classes and members, only for internal and public
  • No delegates for methods or constructors with ref parameters
  • No delegates for anonymous types (not sure if needed)
  • Static members are supported
  • Generics are supported
  • Nested classes are supported
  • Dynamic properties/fields are supported



BenchmarkDotNet=v0.12.1, OS=Windows 10.0.19041.572 (2004/?/20H1)
AMD Ryzen 5 1600, 1 CPU, 12 logical and 6 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=5.0.100
  [Host]     : .NET Core 3.1.9 (CoreCLR 4.700.20.47201, CoreFX 4.700.20.47203), X64 RyuJIT
  DefaultJob : .NET Core 3.1.9 (CoreCLR 4.700.20.47201, CoreFX 4.700.20.47203), X64 RyuJIT

Type Method Mean Error StdDev
ConstructorPerformance 'Cached CompileFast Invoke' 4.4837 ns 0.1249 ns 0.1908 ns
ConstructorPerformance 'Direct Delegate Invoke' 4.6937 ns 0.0443 ns 0.0370 ns
ConstructorPerformance 'Cached Compile Invoke' 5.1806 ns 0.3148 ns 0.9281 ns
ConstructorPerformance 'Cached ExpressionDelegates.Constructor Invoke' 5.8940 ns 0.0459 ns 0.0430 ns
ConstructorPerformance ConstructorInfo.Invoke 121.3839 ns 0.4510 ns 0.4219 ns
ConstructorPerformance 'ExpressionDelegates.Constructor Find and Invoke' 191.1785 ns 2.0766 ns 1.7340 ns
ConstructorPerformance 'Cached Interpretation Invoke' 199.8162 ns 1.7841 ns 1.6689 ns
ConstructorPerformance 'Interpret and Invoke' 2,211.3971 ns 13.7784 ns 12.2142 ns
ConstructorPerformance 'CompileFast and Invoke' 79,809.5180 ns 473.7356 ns 419.9543 ns
ConstructorPerformance 'Compile and Invoke' 88,701.7674 ns 962.4325 ns 853.1713 ns
GetterPerformance 'Cached Compile Invoke' 1.4551 ns 0.0085 ns 0.0080 ns
GetterPerformance 'Direct Delegate Invoke' 1.7740 ns 0.0291 ns 0.0273 ns
GetterPerformance 'Cached CompileFast Invoke' 2.0495 ns 0.0089 ns 0.0084 ns
GetterPerformance 'Cached CreateDelegate Invoke' 2.3477 ns 0.0526 ns 0.0492 ns
GetterPerformance 'Cached ExpressionDelegates.Accessor Invoke' 5.8792 ns 0.1525 ns 0.3009 ns
GetterPerformance 'Cached Interpretation Invoke' 100.4755 ns 1.8990 ns 3.3754 ns
GetterPerformance PropertyInfo.GetValue 155.8979 ns 1.7932 ns 1.6774 ns
GetterPerformance 'ExpressionDelegates.Accessor Find and Invoke' 163.2990 ns 1.4388 ns 1.3458 ns
GetterPerformance 'CreateDelegate and Invoke' 560.0708 ns 5.8383 ns 5.1755 ns
GetterPerformance 'Interpret and Invoke' 2,715.0402 ns 19.6335 ns 18.3652 ns
GetterPerformance 'CompileFast and Invoke' 74,540.2230 ns 213.9485 ns 200.1275 ns
GetterPerformance 'Compile and Invoke' 88,103.7519 ns 235.3721 ns 208.6513 ns
MethodPerformance 'Cached Compile Invoke' 0.5895 ns 0.0132 ns 0.0123 ns
MethodPerformance 'Cached CompileFast Invoke' 1.1551 ns 0.0309 ns 0.0258 ns
MethodPerformance 'Direct Delegate Invoke' 1.1767 ns 0.0289 ns 0.0270 ns
MethodPerformance 'Cached CreateDelegate Invoke' 2.0462 ns 0.0115 ns 0.0102 ns
MethodPerformance 'Cached ExpressionDelegates.Method Invoke' 4.1000 ns 0.0185 ns 0.0173 ns
MethodPerformance 'Cached Interpretation Invoke' 90.7167 ns 0.8028 ns 0.6704 ns
MethodPerformance MethodInfo.Invoke 101.6796 ns 0.5752 ns 0.5381 ns
MethodPerformance 'ExpressionDelegates.Method Find and Invoke' 186.4856 ns 2.5224 ns 2.3595 ns
MethodPerformance 'CreateDelegate and Invoke' 530.2247 ns 3.9376 ns 3.6832 ns
MethodPerformance 'Interpret and Invoke' 2,599.1128 ns 30.2115 ns 28.2599 ns
MethodPerformance 'CompileFast and Invoke' 58,216.1233 ns 168.4641 ns 149.3391 ns
MethodPerformance 'Compile and Invoke' 83,292.3139 ns 922.4315 ns 817.7115 ns


If you've found an error, please file an issue.

Patches are encouraged, and may be submitted by forking this project and submitting a pull request. If your change is substantial, please raise an issue first to discuss it.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.