The bot that does voice channels (and I mean, other Discord things) right.
While Tram is not made to be self hosted, there is a setup guide. You MIGHT get support from either me or Summer if either of us have spare or free time. Don't ping us asking for help.
You will need the following:
- NodeJS v17
- Yarn
- Nodemon installed globally (or install it locally I guess)
- Git
- VSCode/WebStorm
We find WebStorm works better, while it is paid if you are student you can get a student license!
A few thing we recommend you have are:
We recommend this as it means you don't have to have your PC on 24/7 for the bot to work.
It's just a good SSH tool :'
- Some semi advanced knowledge of JavaScript, DiscordJS and SQL.
Once you have all the things listed above, you need to clone the repo to your local machine and get it setup!
Create a "Coding" folder (you don't need to do this) - I would recommend making this on the Desktop so you know how to find it!
mkdir Coding
Now clone the repo
git clone
And open into it
cd tram-discord
Yay! Now we have everything downloaded, almost.
Run yarn install
to fetch all the required packages. This might take a bit.
Now run code .
presuming you are using VSCode, if you're not just open it in your IDE like you would normally.
From here, it's mostly down to you!
Just make sure to update config.example.json
to be called config.json
and make sure the properties are correct!
Due to the amount of configuration required for Tram, while we have included a Dockerfile, you will need to clone the repo to a local machine and set the config up locally, then from there you can build an image.
We are looking into different options for configuration, but for now, this is the best we can do.
This project uses the GNU AGPL v3 license, which means you are free to use this code, but you must follow these conditions:
- Your project MUST be open source. If found not to be, a request will be sent to Discord to shut the bot down.
- You MUST credit Tram, it's developers, contributors and core libraries properly. The bare minimum would be to use the example below. Same thing as before if this is not met.
Core bot provided by Tram and it's contributors. Core libraries: DiscordJS, discord-slash-command-handler.