By Steven Conaway and Anna Teerlinck
This project is a Reversible PDA Validator and Simulator developed as part of CSE 40932: Exotic Computing.
This project explores a Reversible Pushdown Automaton (R-PDA), a computational model combining a stack-based automaton with reversibility. The validator checks for machine reversibility, while the simulator executes both forward and backward simulations of a PDA.
Run the program using:
$ python3 machine.pda [input_string direction (f|b)]
(required): A file containing the PDA transitions in CSV format.- Example:
direction,fromState,inputChar,stackChar,toState,stackChange f,q0,ep,ep,q1,$ f,q1,(,ep,q1,( f,q1,),(,q1,ep f,q1,ep,$,qacc,ep
represents an empty string ($\epsilon$ in formal notation).
- Example:
(optional): The string for the PDA to process.- If omitted, the program will run in interactive mode
(optional): Specifies the simulation direction.-
for forward,b
for backward.
Run the simulator with an input string and direction:
$ python3 examples/counting.pda "(()())" f
current_state: q0, char: (, direction: f, stack: []
current_state: q1, char: (, direction: f, stack: ['$']
current_state: q1, char: (, direction: f, stack: ['$', '(']
current_state: q1, char: ), direction: f, stack: ['$', '(', '(']
current_state: q1, char: (, direction: f, stack: ['$', '(']
current_state: q1, char: ), direction: f, stack: ['$', '(', '(']
current_state: q1, char: ), direction: f, stack: ['$', '(']
current_state: q1, char: , direction: f, stack: ['$']
Simulation results:
Final state: qacc
Stack content: []
Accept state reached: True
$ python3 examples/counting.pda "(()())" b
current_state: qacc, char: ), direction: b, stack: []
current_state: q1, char: ), direction: b, stack: ['$']
current_state: q1, char: ), direction: b, stack: ['$', '(']
current_state: q1, char: (, direction: b, stack: ['$', '(', '(']
current_state: q1, char: ), direction: b, stack: ['$', '(']
current_state: q1, char: (, direction: b, stack: ['$', '(', '(']
current_state: q1, char: (, direction: b, stack: ['$', '(']
current_state: q1, char: , direction: b, stack: ['$']
Simulation results:
Final state: q0
Stack content: []
Accept state reached: True
Run the validator without simulating:
$ python3 examples/counting.pda
Enter characters and direction {'f' or 'b'} (e.g., '0f', '1b').
Type 'exit' to quit.
Input: (f
current_state: q0, char: (, direction: f, stack: []
State: q1, Stack: ['$'], input not consumed
Input: (f
current_state: q1, char: (, direction: f, stack: ['$']
State: q1, Stack: ['$', '(']
Input: (f
current_state: q1, char: (, direction: f, stack: ['$', '(']
State: q1, Stack: ['$', '(', '(']
Input: )f
current_state: q1, char: ), direction: f, stack: ['$', '(', '(']
State: q1, Stack: ['$', '(']
Input: (f
current_state: q1, char: (, direction: f, stack: ['$', '(']
State: q1, Stack: ['$', '(', '(']
Input: )f
current_state: q1, char: ), direction: f, stack: ['$', '(', '(']
State: q1, Stack: ['$', '(']
Input: )f
current_state: q1, char: ), direction: f, stack: ['$', '(']
State: q1, Stack: ['$']
assuming no input character, forward
current_state: q1, char: , direction: f, stack: ['$']
State: qacc, Stack: []
Accept state reached.
A Bidirectional Pushdown Automaton (BPDA) extends a PDA to support reversible computations. Key features include:
Control Input:
- Control symbols
$f$ and$b$ specify forward and backward directions, respectively.
- Control symbols
Stack Operations:
- Operations include push, pop, and no-op, defined for each transition.
Transition Function:
$\delta: Q \times \Sigma \times \Gamma \times \beta \to Q \times \Gamma^*$ - Example:
- Forward:
$\delta(q_0, a, Z, f) = (q_1, \gamma)$ - Reverse:
$\delta^{-1}(q_1, a, \gamma, b) = (q_0, Z)$
- Forward:
- For every forward transition, there exists an inverse transition. Specifically, for every
$\delta(q, a, Z, c) = (q', \gamma, d)$ (where$q$ is the current state,$a$ the tape character,$Z$ the stack's top,$c$ the control input, and$\gamma$ the new stack string), there exists a corresponding transition$\delta^{-1}(q', a', \gamma', c') = (q, Z, d')$ such that the automaton can backtrack.
- For every forward transition, there exists an inverse transition. Specifically, for every
- The
symbol:- Represents "no character" (input character or top of stack) or "no stack change."
- Used for empty string transitions and no-op stack changes.
- Non-reversible simulation:
- Machines do not need to be reversible to simulate them. However, the reversibility check will fail for such machines.
- Limitations:
- A stack or input character which is a space character will be treated as an empty string.