Generation Date and Time Thu Jul 15 2021 13:03:12 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) |
App Generator @sap/generator-fiori |
App Generator Version 1.2.4 |
Generation Platform Visual Studio Code |
Floorplan Used simple |
Service Type None |
Service URL N/A |
Module Name test1 |
Application Title App Title |
Namespace |
UI5 Theme sap_fiori_3_dark |
UI5 Version Latest |
Enable Telemetry False |
A Fiori application.
- This app has been generated using the SAP Fiori tools - App Generator, as part of the SAP Fiori tools suite. In order to launch the generated app, simply run the following from the generated app root folder:
npm start
- Active NodeJS LTS (Long Term Support) version and associated supported NPM version. (See