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File metadata and controls

325 lines (224 loc) · 7.13 KB


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Estratto is a easy to handle parser based on YAML templating engine. Creating a easy interface for developers, and non developers to extract data from fixed width files


In various scenarios the data processment is a crucial step of a integration with partner systems, or data storage. But the task to create parsing and import data from these text format is boring, and causing code duplication in every code project. This project borns to help developers to reduce the time spent in this task, or creating a total delegation scenario to other team responsabilities.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'estratto'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install estratto


Estratto works with simple input of data to parse file and a yaml layout equivalent.

Example of a default call for parsing:

Estratto::Document.process(file: 'path/to/data.txt', layout: 'path/to/layout.yml')

Layout specifications

Fixed width files is sometimes always painful for human reading, and the layout manual comes in a very useful pdf or spreasheet format.

Here, we'll try to made things fun again, or less painful. 😂

The base layout for YAML file is:

  name: 'jojo stand users'
  multi-register: true
  prefix: 0..1
    - register: '01'
        - name: name
          range: 2..45
          type: String
        - name: stand
          range: 46..75
          type: String

And the output will be a array of hashes reflection of your columns:

        name: 'Jotaro Kujo',
        stand: 'Star Platinum'
        name: 'Giorno Giovanna',
        stand: 'Golden Experience Requiem'
        name: 'Jobin Higashikata',
        stand: 'Speed King'

The structure follows the strict directive

    (base configuration)

Actually Estratto supports these types of fixed width layouts:

  • Batch prefix based registers
  • Mono layout based registers (development)

UTF-8 Conversion

Estratto makes use of CharlockHolmes gem to detect the file content encoding and convert it to UTF-8. This approach prevents invalid characters from being present in the output.

CharlockHolmes uses ICU for charset detection. And you need libicu in your environment.


RedHat, CentOS, Fedora:

yum install libicu-devel

Debian based:

apt-get install libicu-dev


brew install icu4c

Type Coercion

Estratto supports type coercion, with some perks called formats, on layout file.

Data type supported to handle in Estratto

  • String
  • Integer
  • Float
  • DateTime
  • Date

Default data type in fields is String, if no one type is setted in field list register.

Registers fields list always respect this base structure:

    - name: name
      range: 2..12
      type: String
        strip: true

name is your field identification of field, this value will be your symbol in hashed parsed data

range is where data is inside the file. (First index is 0)

type data type to be coerced

formats receives a specific configuration for data type. Here we can format Strings, and adjust precision for unformatted Float data.


Formats is the resource for deal with some "surprises" that this type of file can provide to us. Like, super large string fields that has a huge blank space, DateTime with suspicious formatting, or Float without any decimal point, but the manual description shows "Decimal(15, 2)"



Works like common ruby String strip method

strip: true

Output example:

'Hierophant Green         '
# with strip clause
'Hierophant Green'


Simple integer values converter. Useful in cases that you need to deal with ids.

Actually we don't have any formats for Integer. :)

# coerced
# coerced
# coerced


Float is one of most important types here. The fixed width files always respect the non logical format to deliver information.

precision: <integer>


precision: 2
#raw data
# with precision
precision: 3
#raw data
# with precision
comma_format: <boolean>


comma_format: true
#raw data
# with comma formats

DateTime and Date

The DateTime and Date has the same formats attributes. But the difference, one shows DateTime format, and other always respect Date output

format: <ruby strptime format pattern>


format: '%Y%m%d'
#raw data
# with comma formats
#<DateTime: 2018-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 ...>
format: '%d/%m/%Y'
#raw data
# with comma formats
#<DateTime: 2018-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 ...>

General Formats Properties

Sometimes we need to deal with some general patterns on third-party files. Like lacks of informations, or some unexpected exported data pattern.

Allow Empty

The allow_empty property was designed to deal with randomic unexpected data exported from third-party. Like DateTime field that has %Y%m%d format, but in third-party file, some lines cames with , or 00000000.

The common return when allow_empty was marked on field, is nil.

Tip: allow_empty could be ommitted when you not need a data saving

    - name: birthdate
      range: 2..10
      type: DateTime
        allow_empty: true
        format: '%d/%m/%Y'


Simple rake spec


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.