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File metadata and controls

163 lines (127 loc) · 8.37 KB


The purpose of this manual is to properly document the crew command with a rundown of function and/or variable usage. Note that this manual does not include documentation of ruby functions and variables. A basic understanding of ruby, shell and Linux is a prerequisite for package development.

#'s are used as placeholders/wild-cards within this Manual.


Chromebrew is a third-party package manager that interacts with ChromeOS using the shell and ruby programming languages. The crew command provided by Chromebrew implements a simple means to install and maintain packages native to the operating system using scripts found in /usr/local/lib/crew/packages. Each script contains the instructions to build and install a package. The crew command can also be used to update and remove packages.

Build lifecycle

The crew build life-cycle consists of the stages as follows:

  1. fetch - During the fetch phase crew uses curl --ssl to fetch the package
  2. extract - Once the the package has been fetched, crew extracts the package
  3. self.prebuild - Only sed commands should be run during this stage - if provided
    • During this stage crew cd's into the extracted directory, and stays there until the preinstall stage
  4. self.patch - Only patch commands should be used during this stage - If provided
  5. - Package is compiled and/or configured
  6. self.check - Package is then checked - If provided
  7. self.preinstall - Pre-install checks/edits are done - If provided
  8. self.install - Commands to install to #{CREW_DEST_DIR} are run
    • ONLY required function
  9. self.postinstall - Post-install checks/edits are done - If provided
  10. Package
    • Only binary packages call this stage
      • Contents are checked and packaged, then installed to #{CREW_PREFIX}


Binary packages follow a different set of rules then source packages.

crew build is used to build binaries Only the functions self.preinstall and self.postinstall are run during a binary package install. crew requires a few things to exist in the archive in order to install a binary package.

  • dlist a list of directories used/installed to by the package
  • filelist a list of all files included in the package


The required package variables are as follows: - Rundown

  • class # < Package - The# must be name of the name of your package . It must start with a capital and be the same as the filename. (#.rb)
  • description - Is the description of the package.
  • homepage - Is the homepage of the package.
  • version - Is the package version.
  • compatibility - Which architectures the package can operate on.
  • source_url Is the URL where the source package can be found.More
  • source_sha256 - The checksum for the package which will be downloaded from the source_url.

Preset Constants

Preset constants are shown below:

Most of these constants can displayed using the crew const command

  • #{CREW_PREFIX} - The prefix used by crew - Equal to /usr/local
  • #{CREW_LIB_PREFIX} - The LIB prefix used by crew - Equal to #{CREW_PREFIX}/lib - #{CREW_PREFIX}/lib64 on amd64
  • #{CREW_DEST_DIR} - TheDESTDIR variable used by crew - Equal to #{CREW_PREFIX}/tmp/crew/dest
  • #{CREW_DEST_PREFIX} - TheDESTDIR variable prefix used by crew - Equal to #{CREW_DEST_DIR}/usr/local
  • #{CREW_OPTIONS} - The preset options for ./congifure - Equals
  • #{CREW_MAN_PREFIX} - Useful for building man pages - Equal to #{CREW_PREFIX}/share/man
  • #{CREW_DEST_LIB_PREFIX} - The DESTDIR LIB prefix - Equal to #{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/lib - #{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/lib64 on amd64
  • #{CREW_DEST_HOME} - The DESTDIR home variable - Equal to #{CREW_DEST}/#{HOME}
  • #{HOME} - Variable used by crew for $HOME
  • #{ARCH} - Variable used by crew for $(arch)
  • #{CREW_NPROC} - Variable used by crew for $(nproc)


Required functions are as follows: - Rundown

  • def - Contains commands used to build/compile the software.
  • def self.install - Should be used for # install but is not required to be defined. - [Rundown]

Additional Functions

Optional functions are as follows:

  • self.prebuild - Can be used to define functions(Or commands) that should be used to edit various files.
  • def self.patch - Can be used to define functions(Or commands) that should be used to patch various files.
  • def self.preinstall - Can be used to define functions(Or commands) that should happen pre-install.
  • def self.check - Can be used to define functions(Or commands) that should be used to check the compile binary.
  • def self.postinstall - Can be used to define functions(Or commands) that should happen post-install.
  • is_fake - Can be used to label package as meta.


The rundown of what each function and variable are/(can be) used for follows.

A simple example ruby script can be found on the Wiki.

require 'package' # must occur within each `.rb`
			      # Notice the newline
class Template < Package # Notice the capitals, EG: 'I3' - would be used for an 'i3' package
  description 'The template script' # Notice the indent, should contain no more than one line of text
  homepage '#' # Notice the same indent, EG: '' - Would be used for an 'i3' Package
  version 'version#-revision#' # EG: 4.18.2-1 - Where '4.18.2' is the version and '1' is the revision - Omit revision on new packages
  compatibility '#' # Can contain 'all', or a list of supported architectures each separated by a space
  source_url '#' # The URL from which the source of the package can be downloaded
  source_sha256 '#' # The `sha256` checksum of the downloaded source package
                  # Notice the newline
  depends_on '#' # Soft where this package depends on
  depends_on '#' => :build # Only required when the package
  is built from source
            # Notice the newline
  def self.preflight # For preflight checks, not required
    system '#'  # Replace '#' with a disk space check, for example
  def self.prebuild # For sed operations, not required
    system '#'  # Replace '#' with a sed operation
  def self.patch # For patch operations, not required
    system '#' # Replace '#' with a patch operation

  def # Contains the commands which compile the package, required if package con be compiled
    system '#' # Replace '#' with commands to compile the package
    system '#' # Should contain something like, "./configure --prefix=/usr/local"
    system '#' # Use in case additions commands are required
    system '#' # Should contain something like, "'make -j$(nproc)'"

  def self.check # For commands to check the build quality, called by 'crew build'
    system '#'

  def self.preinstall # For pre-install conditions, not required
    system '#'

  def self.install # For make install, required if package can be installed
    system '#' # Should contain something like, "'make', "DESTDIR=#{CREW_DEST_DIR}", 'install'"

  def self.postinstall # For post-install messages or operations, not required
    system '#'


Arch: Chromebrew packages for x86_64, i686, armv7l, and aarch64.

More: Must come from an official source, not a distro's source archive. Should contain the version number(Which must be equal to the version variable) https is preferred over http or ftp - When possible.

NOTE: All rules can have exceptions, if REQUIRED, exceptions to the rules should be avoided at all costs.

CREW_OPTIONS: Equal to --prefix=/usr/local --libdir=/usr/local/lib --mandir=/usr/local/share/man --build=armv7l-cros-linux-gnueabihf --host=armv7l-cros-linux-gnueabihf --target=#{CREW_BUILD}

Any additionally required resources for ChromeOS or ChromeBooks can be found here

Still can't find something? Have a look in IssuesOr post a issue

This Manual is heavily based off void-packages/