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Gatsby Admin

A visual interface to configure your Gatsby site. Currently alpha testing.

Getting started

For now, Gatsby Admin is marked as experimental and requires a flag to enable. Add the following flag when using gatsby develop:


Or in the scripts section of your package.json:

  "develop": "GATSBY_EXPERIMENTAL_ENABLE_ADMIN=true gatsby develop"

Note: If you’re on Windows you should install cross-env and prepend your script, e.g.:

  "develop": "cross-env GATSBY_EXPERIMENTAL_ENABLE_ADMIN=true gatsby develop"

Once you run gatsby develop with the flag enabled, you can visit http://localhost:8000/___admin to view Admin for your Gatsby site!

Gatsby Admin homepage showing a list of installed plugins, as well as a search input to search for plugins to install

When you select an installed plugin or search for a new one, you will be able to install/uninstall/configure it:

Gatsby Admin plugin page showing the README of the gatsby-plugin-sitemap, as well as an input field to configure the options for said plugin

Let us know what you think by hitting the "Send feedback" button in Admin or commenting in the Admin umbrella issue!


Admin does not support all gatsby-config.js formats. If yours is not supported, we'd love if you could share what it looks like in the umbrella issue!

Technical documentation


The Gatsby Admin interface (this package) is a standard Gatsby site.

It uses theme-ui (with the strict-ui experimental extension) and gatsby-interface for styling.

It fetches its data from the gatsby-recipes GraphQL server, which exposes all the information Admin needs about the locally running Gatsby site, using urql.

It also listens to the gatsby develop status server, which exposes information about whether you changed the config files and need to restart the develop process.

Service Discovery

gatsby develop automatically starts both the GraphQL and status server. However, both of these use random ports.

To discover where they are (and whether they are already running) there is a service discovery mechanism in gatsby-core-utils. It stores the ports of the running Gatsby site(s) at ~/.config/gatsby/sites/<pathhash>/<servername>.json.

Admin can then fetch http://localhost:8000/___services (where :8000 is the well-known port of the running site), which returns a list of all the random ports used by the site:

$ curl http://localhost:8000/___services | jq
  "developproxy": {
    "port": 8000
  "developstatusserver": {
    "port": 60731
  "recipesgraphqlserver": {
    "port": 50400

That's how the Admin frontend knows to connect to http://localhost:50400/graphql to connect to the GraphQL server, and http://localhost:60731 to connect to the develop status server.

Production Deployment

To avoid clashing with the local site and potential issues with shadowing, gatsby develop statically serves the built files from the develop parent proxy.

To avoid issues with yarn, lerna, and circular dependencies, gatsby-admin copies its built files to gatsby/gatsby-admin-public which is then published to npm. While not an ideal solution, it fixes the issue and works relatively reliably.


Running it locally

The easiest way to work on Admin locally is to develop Admin itself.

  1. Make sure to have the dependencies installed by running yarn in the root folder
  2. Start the develop process for the Admin site by running yarn workspace gatsby-admin run develop

If you see eslint errors you'll need to temporarily replace all references to ___loader with window.___loader in packages/gatsby-link/index.js.

Running it on a local site

To try Admin with one of your sites locally, use the gatsby-dev-cli to copy the local versions of gatsby, gatsby-cli, gatsby-recipes, gatsby-core-utils and gatsby-admin into your project:

# Make sure to build the latest local versions of all packages
yarn run watch

$ gatsby-dev --packages gatsby gatsby-cli gatsby-recipes gatsby-core-utils gatsby-admin

# In another tab, start your site with the Admin feature flag set

Then visit http://localhost:8000/\_\_\_admin and you should see Gatsby Admin for your site!