I have recently discovered that previous fuzzing attempts on lewton (namely the lewton target in were using the OGG stream API and did not disable CRC32 check in ogg
crate. This caused almost any fuzzer input to be rejected due to crc32 mismatch, rendering fuzzers useless.
I have patched the ogg crate to disable crc32 check during fuzzing. After this honggfuzz-rs has immediately discovered an input that causes an out-of-bounds access in lewton. Thanks to Rust's memory safety guarantees this is not a critical security issue (like it would be in C), but it could still be used to perform a denial-of-service attack.
The panic message is index out of bounds: the len is 128 but the index is 1023
at line 1098 in
. The file triggering the crash is attached, I had to gzip it so that github would accept the upload. You should be able to reproduce the crash by disabling crc32 in unconditionally in a local copy of ogg
crate and feeding this file to lewton.
My fuzzing setup is available at, more info on using it can be found in the rust-fuzz/targets issue. This panic is blocking any further fuzzing attempts. I will run another round of fuzzing once this panic is resolved.