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115 lines (98 loc) · 3.26 KB

File metadata and controls

115 lines (98 loc) · 3.26 KB


    private var count: Int = 0

    let head: PriorityElement<String, Int> = self.head()
    //head.execute(with: "head->")
    // nil also default value()

General asynchronous operations

	// This is a complete way to create element
    private func head() -> PriorityElement<String, Int> {
        return PriorityElement(id: "Head") {  (promise: PriorityPromise<String, Int>) in
            Println("head input : \(promise.input ?? "")")
            self.delay(1) {
        }.subscribe { i in
            Println("head subscribe : \(i ?? -1)")
        }.catch { err in
            Println("head catch : \(String(describing: err))")
        }.dispose {
            Println("head dispose")

General check operation (if else nesting)

  // This is a minimalist way to create element, 
  // using anonymous closure parameters and initializing default parameters
   private func neck() -> PriorityElement<Int, String> {
        return PriorityElement {
            Println("neck input : \($0.input ?? -1)")
            $0.output = "I am Neck"
            $0.validated($0.input == 1)
        }.subscribe { ... }.catch { err in ... }.dispose { ... }

Loop delay check operation (e.g. polling)

	// This is a recommended way to create element, providing an ID for debugging
    private func lung() -> PriorityElement<String, String> {
        return PriorityElement(id: "Lung") { 
            Println("lung input : \($0.input ?? "-1")")
            self.count += 1
            $0.output = "I am Lung"
            $0.loop(validated: self.count >= 5, t: 1)
        }.subscribe { ... }.catch { err in ... }.dispose { ... }

Condition check operation

    private func heart() -> PriorityElement<String, String> {
        return PriorityElement(id: "Heart") {
            Println("lung input : \($0.input ?? "-1")")
            self.count += 1
            $0.output = "I am Lung"
            $0.condition(self.count > 5, delay: 1)
        }.subscribe { ... }.catch { err in ... }.dispose { ... }

Normal operation

    private func liver() -> PriorityElement<String, String> {
        return PriorityElement(id: "Liver") { (promise: PriorityPromise<String, String>) in
            Println("liver input : \(promise.input ?? "-1")")
            self.delay(1) {
        }.subscribe { ... }.catch { err in ... }.dispose { ... }
    private func over() -> PriorityElement<String, String> {
        return PriorityElement(id: "Over") { (promise: PriorityPromise<String, String>) in
            Println("over input : \(promise.input ?? "-1")")
            self.delay(1) {
      "Finished Release")
        }.subscribe { ... }.catch { err in ... }.dispose { ... }
    func delay(_ interval: TimeInterval, _ block: @escaping () -> Void) {
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + interval) {