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# ROS Vision Messages Proposal

## Introduction

This package is a proposed set of messages to unify computer
vision and object detection efforts in ROS. Please feel free
to provide feedback using GitHub's issues, or suggest changes
or add functionality with a pull request.

## Overview

The messages in this package are to define a common outward-facing interface
for vision-based classifiers. The set of messages here are meant to enable 2
primary types of classifiers:

  1. **"Pure" Classifiers**, which identify class probabilities given a single
  sensor input
  2. **Detectors**, which identify class probabilities as well as the poses of
  those classes given a sensor input

Message types exist separately for 2D (using `sensor_msgs/Image`) and 3D (using
`sensor_msgs\PointCloud2`). The metadata that is stored for each object is
application-specific, and so this package places very few constraints on the
metadata. Each possible detection result must have a unique numerical ID so
that it can be unambiguously and efficiently identified in the results messages.
Object metadata such as name, mesh, etc. can then be looked up from a database.

The only other requirement is that the metadata database can be stored in a
ROS parameter. We expect a classifier to load the database to the parameter
server in a manner similar to how URDFs are loaded and stored there (see [6]),
most likely defined in an XML format. This expectation may be further refined
in the future using a ROS Enhancement Proposal, or REP [7].

We also would like classifiers to have a way to signal when the database has
been updated, so that listeners can respond accordingly. The database might be
updated in the case of online learning. To solve this problem, each classifier
can publish messages to a topic signaling that the database has been updated, as
well as incrementing a database version that's continually published with the
classifier information.

## Messages

  * Classification2D and Classification3D: pure classification without pose
  * Detection2D and Detection3D: classification + pose
  * ClassifierInfo: Information about a classifier, such as its name and where
  to find its metadata database.

By using a very general message definition, we hope to cover as many of the
various computer vision use cases as possible. Some examples of use cases that
can be fully represented are:

  * Bounding box multi-object detectors with tight bounding box predictions,
  such as YOLO [1]
  * Class-predicting full-image detectors, such as TensorFlow examples trained
  on the MNIST dataset [2]
  * Full 6D-pose recognition pipelines, such as LINEMOD [3] and those included
  in the Object Recognition Kitchen [4]
  * Custom detectors that use various point-cloud based features to predict
  object attributes (one example is [5])

## References
  * [1] [YOLO](
  * [2] [TensorFlow MNIST](
  * [3] [LINEMOD]()
  * [4] [Object Recognition Kitchen](
  * [5] [Attribute Detector](
  * [6] [URDFs on the parameter server](
  * [7] [ROS Enhancement Proposals](


Algorithm-agnostic computer vision message types for ROS.







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  • C++ 80.0%
  • CMake 20.0%