This document will (hopefully) maintain a list of differences between various forks of the Flipper Zero firmware.
If I had a dollar for every time I've seen this question asked,
I wouldn't be in college debt. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jump to: | RogueMaster | Unleashed | Official | Squachware | Summary (TL;DR) |
RogueMaster RogueMaster/flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins
- Remains the best and most updated firmware in the community
- Built off Unleashed as the base firmware (which is a fork of Official dev firmware.)
- First to allow for rename through Name Changer app.
- First to allow for removal of Sub-GHz regional transmission restrictions through Extend Range app.
- Passport fully customizable
- Removes Sub-GHz regional transmission restrictions after changes to extend_range.txt file.
- Allows Sub-GHz extended frequency range (i.e. restaurant pagers) through extend_range.txt file.
- Has Sub-GHz protocols and all the other changes taken from Unleashed FW (see changes).
- Adds extra custom assets (Mifare classic dict, example files, fun files, etc).
- Includes some PRs from Unleashed and Official firmware that are not yet merged (bleeding edge).
- Includes a number of games, some experimental, as well as a real "Games Only Mode".
- Includes an enhanced new "Dolphin Level" system.
- Has added most known community tweaks, plugins & games
- Also includes a number of other small tweaks and changes.
- More details and full list in their README.
Unleashed DarkFlippers/unleashed-firmware
- (AKA Code Grabber firmware.)
- Very active development and Discord community.
- Removes Sub-GHz regional transmission restrictions by default.
- Allows Sub-GHz extended frequency range (i.e. restaurant pagers) through dangerous_settings file.
- Adds extra Sub-GHz frequencies by default through Official setting_user file.
- Adds extra Mifare classic keys to included dict file and leaves user file untouched.
- Can be used to capture and send dynamic encrypted protocols/rolling codes. (Modern garage doors, etc.)
- Encrypted Sub-GHz signals and codes can be added manually.
- Current modified and new Sub-GHz protocols list can be found here.
- Comes with extra apps and plugins from the general community through SD Application loader (FAP files).
- More details and full list of changes can be found in their README.
Official flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware
- Has region-locked Sub-GHz transmission because of legal limitations.
- Has no ability to save and send rolling codes (dynamic encrypted) in Sub-GHz, only shows them in captured list.
- Factory-set device name that shows everywhere (Bluetooth broadcast, USB connection, etc) that cannot be changed.
- The Flipper team has a list of device names with their corresponding production information (No shipping address) so they can assist you easier in case of an RMA.
Squachware skizzophrenic/SquachWare-CFW - [TalkingSasquach](
- (OEM+)
- Fork of Official.
- Adds custom-themed graphics that are not included in the Official Firmware.
- Keeps Sub-GHz regional transmission restrictions like Official Firmware.
- Has many of the apps that are available from RogueMaster.
- Fresh and active firmware forked from OFW.
- Adds custom animations/moods.
- Includes built-in name changer! (No recompile required to change your devices name).
- Includes extra community based apps and plugins through SD Application loader (FAP files).
- Includes community based Bad USB scripts.
- Includes community based Sub-GHz files.
- More details can be found in their README.
- Staying up to date with upstream (official) firmware is important.
- TX restriction removal is illegal in most circumstances, use at your own risk.
- RogueMaster is more focused on visual tweaks, new items, and changes (some experimental).
- RogueMaster is based on Unleashed and OFW and keeps up to date on both on a daily basis.
- Unleashed is more focused on core functionality, stability, and Sub-GHz protocols.
- SquachWare is forked from OFW, adding lots of custom stuff to play with out of the box all while retaining the securities and comfort of OFW.