An updated version of my portfolio
- Access this link to deploy the application:
- My need to research and learn different techniques enabled me to think outside the box on this project.
- For this version I have refactored the responsive portfolio and added user interactivity
- A multi-cultural and multi-language approach.
- This version can be considered as the initial approach where it is heavy on HTML and CSS; However, jQuery is the heart of all the functionality.
- Powered by Jquery all the CSS is generated and updated to comply with bootstrap 4.0 to give a responsive sense to the app, thinking on mobile first.
When the page loads:
- The user is presented with a brief summary of myself and what I have done thru the years.
- A Nav bar is deployed at the top where the user can select a language out of three options (English, Spanish and Italian).
- There very similar HTML files have been created to comply with accessability requirements focusing on automatic and braille readers.
- A hamburger button is deploying a side bar ( horizontal bar on mobile) with options for the user to navigate to the portfolio, contact, social media and github sections a goHome icon has been integrated.
- A carousel is included on the footer to display news about me and additional skills - thinking into the commercial and marketing sides and usages of this.
This is an example of the page when it loads
Example of sidebar as secondary Nav
Example of multi language interface:
To run the application:
- This application runs as soon it is deployed
- user needs to interact selecting an item of the side bar .
- Powered by jQuery designed using Bootstrap 4.0 a sober and bold style.
- Portfolio:
- This includes the most significative Web Applications I have developed as well as past life skills.
- All web applications have a live link to the deployed site, this can be accessed when the images are clicked or tapped on the mobile version.
- About The CODE.
Designed and Developed with jQuery keeping in mind it simplistic way to facilitate refactoring and debugging.
Extensive use of Moment.js thru this application as a reinforcement exercise of the library (as personal touch).
Functions, LocalStorage, JSON , Objects and Events managers are deployed on this project.
*This Project contents:
Index.html - hosting the web page application all information is updated dynamically from the js file .
Script.js - Code for executing the app.
style.css - simple style for the application.
- - this file.
- please fork and clone this repository
- just have fun.
contact me at: or direct email:
Rodolfo Diaz