Rocket.Chat App for Content Moderation
Due to interactions between large communities among different channels in Rocket Chat, there was a need for support of an optional moderation service for offensive content. The service as of now is limited to image & links moderation which means if someone sends an offensive image or link to Rocket Chat app and the app along with server is deployed and configured then the image will be blocked but not videos.
The dockerised moderation service can be deployed to any server easily since all the major Cloud Providers such as AWS, GCP, Azure, IBM Cloud, etc. provides support to Docker.
- Generate Personal Access Tokens My Account -> Personal Access Tokens -> Add (You can either ignore or not ignore 2 Factor Authentication). Copy User-ID & Token for future use.
- Host the flask app on the server. We can use a docker-compose file for this purpose.
Edit docker-compose-server.yml in your local content-moderation directory. & change the following parameters:
We copied them in previous step.
cd .. # Make sure you're in moderation directory
docker-compose -f docker-compose-server.yml up -d
- Now, Configure the app settings. Provide the Rocket.Chat Host URL and the Flask app Host URL which can be obtained after the 2nd Step.
Configuration Setting: Administration -> Apps -> Content Moderation.
'Content Moderation App Host URL': in Content Moderation App's Setting.
for example: 'Content Moderation App Host URL': http://moderation-api:5000/predict
- Rocket.Chat-Deploy
npm install -g
Depending on the installation & machine while running docker commands you may want to use 'sudo' if you encounter any errors. From Rocket Chat open Administration -> General -> Apps and make sure the following options are enabled:
- Enable App development mode
- Enable the App Framework
Open a Command Line and execute the following code
git clone
cd Apps.Moderation
npm install
You can now make changes and build with
rc-apps package
And to deploy it to a local Rocket.Chat server to test the application
rc-apps deploy -u RC_USER -p RC_PASSWORD --url=http://localhost:3000
or to update the installation
rc-apps deploy -f --update -u RC_USER -p RC_PASSWORD --url=http://localhost:3000
In order for the Apps.Moderation to work it requires further configuration: README for futher setup!
As of now we have only one Machine Learning model that is capable of classifying the offensive content with an accuracy of ~92%. Repository for Content Moderation Engine. To expand the service for different medias like Gifs, Videos, all the other media that requires analysing the media frame by frame for classification :
- We'll have to collect(scrap) the data from various websites like reddit(NSFW, SFW), instagram(NSFW, SFW), Twitter(NSFW, SFW) & Various pornography sites for NSFW content. We have curated a list of datasets which can be scrapped and cleaned for our Machine Learning Model Training.
- Now that we have data, we need a Machine Learing Model. To build video classification models I recommend to give it a read. --> Video Classification & see this YouTube video to get an idea how to get started.
- Build a Flask app with docker support for easy deployment.
- Once the flask app is working, configure & add required settings in Content Moderation App so that Rocket Chat can send the video url to the flask app to send predictions to Content Moderation App to take actions like blocking the media or not.