Plug and play RAM percentage and icon indicator for Tmux, can be used in status-right
and status-left
Very much inspired by tmux-ram, and most of the structure is copied from there.
Installation with Tmux Plugin Manager (recommended)
Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in .tmux.conf
set -g @plugin 'RobertKirk/tmux-ram'
Hit prefix + I
to fetch the plugin and source it.
If format strings are added to status-right
, they should now be visible.
Clone the repo:
$ git clone ~/clone/path
Add this line to the bottom of .tmux.conf
run-shell ~/clone/path/ram.tmux
Reload TMUX environment:
# type this in terminal
$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf
If format strings are added to status-right
, they should now be visible.
Add any of the supported format strings (see below) to the existing status-right
tmux option.
# in .tmux.conf
set -g status-right '#{ram_bg_color} ram: #{ram_icon} #{ram_percentage} | %a %h-%d %H:%M '
This is done by introducing 8 new format strings that can be added to
- will display a ram status icon#{ram_percentage}
- will show ram percentage (averaged across cores)#{ram_bg_color}
- will change the background color based on the ram percentage#{ram_fg_color}
- will change the foreground color based on the ram percentage
By default, these icons are displayed:
- low: "="
- medium: "≡"
- high: "≣"
And these colors are used:
- low:
- medium:
- high:
Note that these colors depend on your terminal / X11 config.
You can change these defaults by adding the following to .tmux.conf
set -g @ram_low_icon "ᚋ"
set -g @ram_medium_icon "ᚌ"
set -g @ram_high_icon "ᚍ"
set -g @ram_low_fg_color "#[fg=#00ff00]"
set -g @ram_medium_fg_color "#[fg=#ffff00]"
set -g @ram_high_fg_color "#[fg=#ff0000]"
set -g @ram_low_bg_color "#[bg=#00ff00]"
set -g @ram_medium_bg_color "#[bg=#ffff00]"
set -g @ram_high_bg_color "#[bg=#ff0000]"
Don't forget to reload tmux environment ($ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf
after you do this.