This file was created to be a dictionary of definitions and examples of C# concepts.
Here you will have a list of concepts to choose from:
- 01-Variables
- 02-DataTypes
- 03-Operators
- 04-Math
- 05-String
- 06-Booleans
- 07-If-Else
- 08-Switch
- 09-While-Loop
- 10-For-Loop
- 11-Break-Continue
- 12-Arrays
- 13-Methods
- 14-Methods-Parameters
- 15-Methods-Overloading
- 16-OOP
- 17-Class-Members
- 18-Constructors
- 19-Access-Modifiers
- 20-Encapsulation
- 21-Inheritance
- 22-Polymorphism
- 23-Abstraction
- 24-Interface
- 25-Enum
- 26-Files
- 27-Exceptions
- 28-Reflection
- 29-Generics
- 31-Async-Return