HELLDIVERS.HELP is a helper site for every Helldivers who fights to promote Democracy, Freedom and Prosperity throughout the galaxy.
- Next.js (v14);
- React (v18);
- TypeScript;
- MobX (v6)
- Nginx;
- Pm2 - for the Next.js build to run continuously
- Tailwind CSS - for easy and convenient styling;
- Ant Design - to unify and accelerate component development;
- ESlint - to catch errors;
- Axios - for easy handling of requests to the server;
- Swiper - for beautiful carousels of images;
- mobx-persist-store - to save the store state between tab reloads;
- next-pwa - for PWA integration;
- react-fast-marquee - to implement a ticker with tips;
- react-zoom-pan-pinch - for the implementation of the interactive map
✅ We've finally turned the page on galactic warfare.
✅ Warbonds Page - you can now track your achievements and awards for your participation in the war.
✅ Redesigned active campaigns page - new design for easier tracking of ongoing battles.
✅ Military report - the most up-to-date news from the battlefields is now available in real time.
✅ Updated appearance of the major order - now it looks more stylish and in line with the spirit of war.
✅ News section - always be up to date with the latest news.
✅ Illuminates faction page - explore new enemies.
✅ Full content update - new enemies in Automatons and Terminids, fresh arsenal of weapons, armor and stratagems.
✅ Full English translation - now even more Helldivers will be able to use the site.
✅ Helldivers 2 style redesign - for a more proper immersive war experience.
✅ Improved navigation - added page paths for greater convenience.
🎨 All images have become more pleasing to the eye - the visual part of the site is now many times better.
🚀 Optimized the size of pictures - the site loads much faster.
☑️ Fixed ship modules page - now everything is displayed correctly.
☑️ Fixed various bugs for more stable operation.
🎮 Stratagem training functionality has been added, echoing the Stratagem Hero game. Now every Helldiver will be able to pump up the skill of quickly entering stratagems, so that nothing distracts them in the middle of the battle for Democracy and Super Earth!
🗺️ Added an interactive map to the war page - now you can view galactic warfare from a new angle!
🎟️ All content from the new battle pass has been added, as well as information on the new mission with Dark Liquid and the new EXO-48 mech.
🔗 Added links to our Patreon and GitHub repository - now you can support site development directly.
🎨 Changed appearance of the page start button.
🔍 Updated the site icon in search engines - now it is displayed correctly, including in Yandex.
🛠️ Changed user interaction with dropdowns (such as on the missions and stratagems page).
🖼️ Continuing to replace armor images with better ones - the process is almost complete, except for pre-order sets. 😢
🎯 Fixed the display of the main order to kill a certain number of enemies.
📜 Removed unnecessary scroll on the enemy information page.
🛠️ Other minor fixes that improve the stability and usability of the site.
📱 Added mobile version of the site - now it is more convenient to use on smartphones!
❌ You can now close a slider by clicking outside its window - more convenient than ever!
🎯 Added secondary missions to the missions page - more missions, more challenges!
🔫 Added support weapons to the weapons page - expand your arsenal for victory!
🔗 Added a link to the Discord channel in the footer of the site - join the community!
📊 Fixed incorrect display of tables on the missions page.
🖥️ Removed the second scrollbar from the planets page.
🌦️ Fixed an issue with missing weather condition images.