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wickiup, n. a structure for survival in the north. like a teepee

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corrie col lamellar, adj. enfeoff, v. inscient, adj. quid pro quo, phrase. détente. n. the easing of hostility or strained relations, especially between countries: a serious effort at detente with the eastern bloc. early 20th cent.: from French détente, literally ‘loosening, relaxation.’ albumen. n. egg white, or the protein contained in it. tor, n. a hill or rocky peak. Old English torr, perhaps of Celtic origin and related to Welsh tor ‘belly’ and Scottish Gaelic tòrr ‘bulging hill.’ incommensurate, adj. [ predic. ] (incommensurate with) out of keeping or proportion with. mid 17th cent.: from late Latin commensuratus, from com- ‘together’ + mensuratus, past participle of mensurare ‘to measure.’ alterity, n. the state of being other or different; otherness. mid 17th cent.: from late Latin alteritas, from alter ‘other.’ olid, adj. smelling extremely unpleasant. late 17th cent.: from Latin olidus ‘smelling,’ from olere ‘to smell.’ mridangas sistra hyssop arrack ladyship gambeson sumpter gazehound couchant wood opal bloodstone morganite cat's-eye rhodolite rosetone tourmaline jasper lamiae tumbrel hobliar palisse sorrowing obviate, v. remove (a need or difficulty): the Venetian blinds obviated the need for curtains. dirigisme, n. state control of economic and social matters. caudillos, n. (in Spanish-speaking regions) a military or political leader. cagoule, n. a lightweight, hooded, thigh-length waterproof jacket. catalytic, adj. relating to or involving the action of a catalyst. haar, n. a cold sea fog on the east coast of England or Scotland. late 17th cent.: perhaps from Old Norse hárr ‘hoar, hoary’. nostrum, n. a medicine, especially one that is not considered effective, prepared by an unqualified person. early 17th century: from Latin, used in the sense ‘(something) of our own making,’ neuter of noster ‘our.’ Proprioception, n. from Latin proprius, meaning "one's own", "individual", and capio, capere, to take or grasp, is the sense of the relative position of neighbouring parts of the body and strength of effort being employed in movement. hobnail. n. a short heavy-headed nail used to reinforce the soles of boots. dasymetric, adj. "The dasymetric map is a method of thematic mapping, which uses areal symbols to spatially classify volumetric data." - Wikipedia chloropleth adj. a thematic map in which areas are shaded or patterned in proportion to the measurement of the statistical variable being displayed on the map, such as population density or per-capita income. (from Greek χῶρος ("area/region") + πλῆθος ("multitude")) prorate v. allocate, distribute, or assess pro rata pro rata adv., adj. proportional squamous, adj. covered with or characterized by scales. late Middle English: from Latin squamosus, from squama ‘scale.’ teratogen, n., an agent or factor that causes malformation of an embryo. teratogenic, adj., of, relating to, or causing developmental malformations crapulent, adj ., of or relating to the drinking of alcohol or drunkenness. floreted, adj., decorated with small flowers bromides, n., a trite and unoriginal idea or remark, typically intended to soothe or placate: feel-good bromides create the illusion of problem solving. Ex: "When early Americans wrote things like “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty,” they did not do so to provide bromides for future bumper stickers." diktat. n. an order or decree imposed by someone in power without popular consent: a diktat from the Bundestag | he can disband the legislature and rule by diktat. expatiate - speak or write at length or in detail skerrik - A very small amount or portion, particularly used in the negative and chiefly in British and Australian English. theophany - a visible manifestation to humankind of God or a god. Candlemas, n., a Christian festival held on February 2 to commemorate the purification of the Virgin Mary (after childbirth, according to Jewish law) and the presentation of Christ in the Temple. Candles were traditionally blessed at this festival. ethogram - a catalog or table of all the different kinds of behavior or activity observed in an animal. maladaptations - not providing adequate or appropriate adjustment to the environment or situation. lochia - the normal discharge from the uterus after childbirth. puerpirium - the period of about six weeks after childbirth during which the mother's reproductive organs return to their original nonpregnant condition. etiology - the cause, set of causes, or manner of causation of a disease or condition; the investigation or attribution of the cause or reason for something, often expressed in terms of historical or mythical explanation. foundling - an infant that has been abandoned by its parents and is discovered and cared for by others. childbed fever - a disease charac­teristic of and limited to maternity patients, for whose origin the puerperal state and a specific causal moment are necessary. dispose - arrange in a particular position. glacis - a gently sloping bank, in particular one that slopes down from a fort, exposing attackers to the defenders' missiles. ety: late 17th cent.: from French, from Old French glacier ‘to slip,’ from glace ‘ice,’ based on Latin glacies . resorption - the process or action by which something is reabsorbed. denunciation - public condemnation of someone or something. vermivorous - feeding on earthworm anuran - a tailless amphibian of the order Anura; a frog or toad. onymity - The condition of being onymous, or named. scintilla - a tiny trace or spark of a specified quality or feeling kibitz - A Kibitzer is a Yiddish term for a person who offers (often unwanted) advice or commentary. This term can be applied to any activity, but it is most notably used to describe non-participant spectators in contract bridge, chess, go, and many other games. The verb kibitz can also refer to idle chatting or side conversations. gravid, adj. full of meaning or a specified quality, technical: pregnant; carrying eggs or young. nonpareil, adj. having no match or equal; unrivalled heliophilic, adj. sun loving briars, n. (also briar pipe) a tobacco pipe made from woody nodules borne at ground level by a large woody plant of the heather family. euryhaline, adj. able to tolerate a wide range of salinity. stenohaline, adj. able to tolerate only a narrow range of salinity. Contrasted to euryhaline epilithic, adj. growing on the surface of rock (could this word be used of human life forms?) infraspecific, adj. infraspecific nudnik, n. a pestering, nagging, or irritating person; a bore. early 20th century: Yiddish, from Russian nudnyĭ ‘tedious’. gomer, n. military slang an inept or stupid colleague, especially a trainee. dirndl, n. a woman's dress in the style of Alpine peasant costume, with a full skirt and a close-fitting bodice. canicule, n. Canicula - under the Dog Star, Sirius - the dogdays of summer. Pirandellian, adj. a mixing of fact and fiction, after the Italian playwright cabriolet, n. convertible maven, n. an expert or connoisseur. Yiddish, 1960s. sarsen, n. a silicified sandstone boulder of a kind which occurs on the chalk downs of southern England. Such stones were used in constructing Stonehenge and other prehistoric monuments. borde, n. Middle English variant of board. lamplighter, n. a person employed to lights lamps. Probably never used stilts to do so. contumely, n. insolent or insulting language or treatment. late Middle English: from Old French contumelie, from Latin contumelia, perhaps from con- ‘with’ + tumere ‘to swell’. fardel, n. a bundle. Middle English: from Old French. shissel, n. a bowl (Yiddish) dun, v. make persistent demands on (someone), especially for payment of a debt statin, n. any of a group of drugs which act to reduce levels of cholesterol in the blood. rattletrap, n. an old or rickety vehicle anthers, n. the part of a stamen that contains the pollen. bergomot, n. an aromatic North American herb of the mint family, grown for its bright flowers and traditionally used in American Indian medicine. Also a varietal of Seville orange. crop milk, n. a secretion from the lining of the crop of parent birds that is regurgitated to young birds. squab, n. a baby pigeon imprint, n. a baby bird saker, n. a kind of falcon houbara bustard, n. a large bird in the bustard family bumblefoot, n. an infection found on the feet of birds of prey and some animals xenodochial, adj., friendly to strangers well-helled, adj. wealthy abatis A battery abaxial abbé Abbevillain ABC powers ABC soil abducens nerve abededarian Abelian abelmust (Hibiscus muscatus) abeyance (of succession) abib abigail ab initio abiogenesis hansel sectary abonos morta kala nuts, olein stearin fractionation interesterification glycerolysis tocostrients amines amides humectants oleochemicals tocotrienols mesocarp stearic acid sodium lauryl surfate cocoa-pod borer okoume blue duiker sastrogi abjurant ablate, v. to remove ablative ablative absolute abloom abnegate, v. to deny or surrender abomasum aboral abortifacient ABO system (of blood) virgules clumber angstrom -a (oxide) reperatory aba AB abaea à bas vizard trull entrain, v. cause or bring about as a consequence Eulerian path, n. a graph in which each edge is visited only once détente, n. the loosening or easing of relations, esp. between countries. bampot, n. a mad person. Scots, English stotious, adj. drunk. Scots foley, adj. the name for the kind of recording that sound recorders for movies do with lots of little things that make a movie more realistic lexicographical order, n. mathematics term for alphabetic order which includes numbers hegiras, n. an exodus or migration. janjaweed, n. African reavers. From an Arabic phrase meaning 'devils on horseback' satori, n. sudden enlightenment wuxia, n. a genre of Chinese fiction or cinema featuring itinerant warriors of ancient China, often depicted as capable of superhuman feats of martial arts. pirogue, n. a long, narrow canoe made from a single tree trunk, especially in Central America and the Caribbean. pomological, adj. related to the story of apples secateur, n. a pair of pruning clippers for use with one hand. doss, v. sleep in rough accommodation or on an improvised bed, or to spend time idly. bathetic, adj. producing an unintentional effect of anticlimax espalier, n. a fruit tree or ornamental shrub whose branches are trained to grow flat against a wall, supported on a lattice. tony, n. fashionable among wealthy or stylish people litotes, n. ironic understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of its contrary litotic, adj. like litotes legerity, speed. pro forma, phrase, done as a matter of form. broekie, n. women's underwear in south africa contrapuntal, adj. of or in counterpoint. pluton, n. a body of intrusive igneous rock. bilettes Vitraux de Claire ambulatory fibrillating serried Waardenburg syndrome apsidal cassock precipition samsaric coralligenous, adj. like coral envemon, to have venom in you stithies adit moran, n. warrior - Maasai chalicotherium, n. cool bear/sloth/horse/ape mix. doloires, n. a flarex ax like a trumpet, used for cutting green oak to remake the Notre Dame beams caissons, n. cases for gunpowder guidons, n. a pennant that narrows to a point or fork at the free end, especially one used as the standard of a light cavalry regiment. minuscule, adj. Not miniscule. early 18th century: from French, from Latin minuscula (littera) ‘somewhat smaller (letter)’. inanition, n. exhaustion caused by lack of nourishmen mbira, n. (especially in southern Africa) another term for thumb piano. cardiac glycosides, n. toxins aposematic, adj. showing colors that signal toxicity or veer predators away. From apo + sematic. monoceious, adj. flowers on an individual tree are all the same sex dioecious, adj. flowers on an individual tree of either sex dirndl, n. a woman's dress in the style of Alpine peasant costume, with a full skirt and a close-fitting bodice. reinanken, n. whitefish (German) Saibling, n. A European mountain trout ({Salvelinus alpinus}); -- called also {Bavarian charr}. corm, n. a short, vertical, swollen underground plant stem that serves as a storage organ that some plants use to survive winter or other adverse conditions such as summer drought and heat perennation, n. the ability of organisms, particularly plants, to survive from one germinating season to another, especially under unfavourable conditions such as drought or winter. sarus cranes, n. a bird hydrophytes, n. nypmhiodies jamun tree nudos, n. knot (a looping piece of a long, flexible material) knot (nautical unit of speed) Oriente, n. a region of eastern Ecuador, comprising the eastern slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes and the lowland areas of rainforest in the Amazon basin. hazelbert, n. a cross between a hazelnut and a filbert tree. Cantastoria, n. singer-teller red-baiting, n. calling someone a communist. "The personal attacks on Carson ranged from sexism to red-baiting." morpho, n. A type of butterfly tepui, n. a type of mesa or plateau in the Amazon, made famous by The Lost World and Up! bellbirds, n. a type of south american bird to augur into, ph. Used in National Geographic to mean to slip into a crack. I think wrong. immiscible, adj. except for the immischible magisteria of my cloven soul zebu, n. indian cattle species mare (pl maria), n. a large, level basalt plain on the surface of the moon, appearing dark by contrast with highland areas bolus, n. a food ball of bugs that swifts use to bring back to their young forestall, v. to halt asseverate, v. declare or state solemnly or emphatically quilombo, n. a refuge, a community of ex-slaves in Brazil congee, n. an oriental dish that revitalizes, like porridge lignin, n. a chemical that helps woody growth. anticline, n. a formation of strata rota Fortunae, n. the wheel of Fortune, from Boetheius salvific, adj. related to salvation Essene, sect of Jews at Qumran Davidic, adj. related to King David rônier palm, n. borassus aethiopum. Also called black rhun palm, ron palm, deleb palm. foxing, adj. the reddening of black or gray areas as a result of breakdown of melanin in feathers taradiddle, n. a small lie mumia, n. ground mummies for medicine gussied up, v. /ˈɡʌs.i/ US informal often humorous. to make someone or something look more attractive or impressive: remand, v. dammar, n. an expensive spice from Egypt canopic, adj. canopic jars for storing intestines in from mummification process Saqqara, n. the priestly centre of embalming in Egypt natron, n. a sacred salt boosterism, n. the enthusiastic promotion of a person, organization, or cause. celadon, n. a green color, like jade, for pottery demersal, adj. living near the bottom of the lake or a sea annealing, n. to cool glass to temper it rheotaxis, n. how a fish knows to swim upstream gular, adj. skin that joins the lower mandible to a bird's neck. dysthymia, n. permanent depresseion bastarda, n. a blackletter script used in France, the Burgundian Netherlands and Germany during the 14th and 15th centuries.