A few cogs for Twentysix's Red-DiscordBot.
To add, do [p]cog repo add stevy https://github.com/AznStevy/Maybe-Useful-Cogs/
Because I wanted to make them.
Do you suck?
If you would like some support for these cogs because nothing ever works, you can talk to me in my testing/spam server, bot testing. I don't bite, I promise :3
Leveler Support - pip3 install scipy
is known to not work on Windows (Linux should work fine). Scipy is NOT required, but needed for auto color generation. I personally would recommend downloading it because having the auto command is the difference between http://puu.sh/qL7gy/de2d4c61c0.jpg and http://puu.sh/qL7hK/d94cad0936.jpg. I think you can tell the difference.
Go to https://www.continuum.io/downloads#windows and download your version (32/64-bit) of Anaconda. This is a pretty large download, fair warning. Additionally, make sure you ADD TO PATH. This will install
. IF you can no longer start your bot because discord.py is no longer found, it's because python3.5 has been reinstalled. If this is the case, open cmd, dopip install -U git+https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py@master#egg=discord.py[voice]
as it should already know it's python3.5. Install pillow usingpip install pillow
. Then, install any other dependencies you have in the same fashion (pip install
) for your other cogs. Everything should work afterwards. -
Google! It's your friend!
Come to the support server to complain or just to hang out c: