heuristic option: sequence names remappings and other control #18
ATM, as the heuristic was developed, we addressed some user errors by providing
- per-study list of regular expressions on how sequences should be renamed to fit our convention: https://github.com/nipy/heudiconv/blob/master/heudiconv/heuristics/reproin.py#L158
- per-accession list of regular expressions on which sequences to skip (canceled runs etc)
IIRC We also restricted at some point which accessions (based on regex) to consider at all. Might be an option useful in some cases, especially whenever "monitoring" would become available
Such remapping could be generalized further to make reproin heuristic usable for many (if not any) already collected datasets, where people would simply provide remapping into ReproIn specification, as the intermediate specification to arrive to BIDS by using reproin heuristic.
May be both of the above cases could be generalized so a single specification of what to be remapped to what and when could exist. Check on how done in http://imaging-docs.cbbs.eu which also work toward similar goal/approach