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This repository contains the source code of the Node.js library for RegexSolver API.
RegexSolver is a powerful regular expression manipulation toolkit, that gives you the power to manipulate regex as if they were sets.
npm install regexsolver
In order to use the library you need to generate an API Token on our Developer Console.
import { RegexSolver, Term } from 'regexsolver';
RegexSolver.initialize("YOUR TOKEN HERE");
const term1 = Term.regex("(abc|de|fg){2,}");
const term2 = Term.regex("de.*");
const term3 = Term.regex(".*abc");
const term4 = Term.regex(".+(abc|de).+");
term1.intersection(term2, term3)
.then(result => result.subtraction(term4))
.then(result => console.log(result.toString()));
Compute the intersection of the provided terms and return the resulting term.
The maximum number of terms is currently limited to 10.
const term1 = Term.regex("(abc|de){2}");
const term2 = Term.regex("de.*");
const term3 = Term.regex(".*abc");
term1.intersection(term2, term3).then(result => {
Compute the union of the provided terms and return the resulting term.
The maximum number of terms is currently limited to 10.
const term1 = Term.regex("abc");
const term2 = Term.regex("de");
const term3 = Term.regex("fghi");
term1.union(term2, term3).then(result => {
Compute the first term minus the second and return the resulting term.
const term1 = Term.regex("(abc|de)");
const term2 = Term.regex("de");
term1.subtraction(term2).then(result => {
Analyze if the two provided terms are equivalent.
const term1 = Term.regex("(abc|de)");
const term2 = Term.regex("(abc|de)*");
term1.isEquivalentTo(term2).then(result => {
Analyze if the second term is a subset of the first.
const term1 = Term.regex("de");
const term2 = Term.regex("(abc|de)");
term1.isSubsetOf(term2).then(result => {
Compute the details of the provided term.
The computed details are:
- Cardinality: the number of possible values.
- Length: the minimum and maximum length of possible values.
- Empty: true if is an empty set (does not contain any value), false otherwise.
- Total: true if is a total set (contains all values), false otherwise.
const term = Term.regex("(abc|de)");
term.getDetails().then(details => {
Details[cardinality=Integer(2), length=Length[minimum=2, maximum=3], empty=false, total=false]
Generate the given number of strings that can be matched by the provided term.
The maximum number of strings to generate is currently limited to 200.
const term = Term.regex("(abc|de){2}");
term.generateStrings(3).then(result => {
[ 'deabc', 'abcde', 'dede' ]