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Redjumpman edited this page Jul 9, 2018 · 4 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

I downloaded your extension, but it's broken!

If the extension is not working, try restarting your bot. If you are still
experiencing problems, let me know by creating an issue on this repository. I will respond as soon as I can to try and help. IF the code really is
foobar I will do what I can to fix it and push an update ASAP. Alternatively
you can contact me on discord at @Redjumpman#2375

I updated Red bot and now your cog doesn't work

If this happens, update my cog. I integrate with economy so if it changes, I need to change as well. If it still isn't working, please contact me on discord, or create an issue on my git.

You said you would do project X, but you released project Y first!

Yup. That happens. If I get a donation from someone, and they ask me to add or create a cog I will halt production. Also I travel out of town a lot, and I'm married. Give me a break pls. :(

Your cog said I need to download a library to work? How do?

Common library installs for my extensions are tabulate and beautifulsoup4.
To install these libraries you will need to open your command prompt and
type pip3 install tabulate or pip3 install beautifulsoup4.

What are these libraries anyway?

See Library Requirements

Ok Jumpman, but where are these packages that I download stored?

The packages are stored in your appdata for python in a folder called site packages.
Don't mess with these files, or it might break mine or someone else's code.

But why not use a CSV file instead of web scrapping? This seems costly.

Because I don't want to. Some data isn't static. And some API's are garbage. It's still fast, It still
works, and if you still don't like it, then write your own.

What about the data folder you created with your .py file?

Some extensions creates a small JSON file that is used to record data from the extension. Feel free to open the JSONs and see what's happening
but DO NOT alter the file or else it might/will break the .py file.

Can I copy your work?

Well. Yes and No. If you plan to use my work, give me credit is all I ask. But come on, don't be lazy and copy pasta my stuff. My work isn't even that great, and you can surely do better. Just do that instead.

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