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RedHat Cloud Services frontend components - components

npm version

This package consists of shared components required by RedHat Cloud Services team.


With npm

npm i -S @redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components

With yarn

yarn add @redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components

This package is dependent on @redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-utilities and will automatically install it trough direct dependencies.

Migration v2 -> v3

Direct imports path changes

  • Remove cjs or esm from your import paths.
  • Remove the components fragment from your import path
  • Modules now have default value
// v2
import { Ansible } from '@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components/components/cjs/Ansible';

// v3
import Ansible from '@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components/Ansible';
/** OR */
import { Ansible } from '@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components/Ansible';

Importing styles is no longer required

Importing CSS for components is no longer required. Components import their styling whenever they are rendered for the first time.

-@import '~@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components/index.css';

Sub components imports.

When importing a partial component like TextFilter from ConditionalFilter, use direct import shorthand from ConditionalFilter. Do not import from TextFilter file directly! All imports must have at most only one level!

// OK
import { X } from '@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components/<ModuleName>'
// Wrong!!
import X from '@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components/<ModuleName>/X'

Deeper imports will break automatic csj/esm module resolution.


In order not to improve your bundle size you you should either import components trough direct imports or use babel plugin to change relative imports to direct imports. You can mix both direct imports and babel plugin, it's just convenient to use the babel plugin so you don't have to change all of your imports.

Direct imports

For speedy build times, you can use direct import paths For instance tableToolbar can be imported as:

import TableToolbar from '@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components/TableToolbar';

You can also use shorthand imports.

Babel plugins

There are 2 plugins that can be used to change relative imports to direct imports

Since our components require a bit more setting up, we are recommending using babel-plugin-transform-imports.

Change your babel config to be javascript config babel.config.js so you can use JS functions to properly transform your imports. Not every component has its own directory. You can use mapper to map component name to directory.

const FECMapper = {
    SkeletonSize: 'Skeleton',
    PageHeaderTitle: 'PageHeader'

module.exports = {
    presets: [
        // your presets go here
    plugins: [
        // your plugins
              '@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components': {
                transform: (importName) =>
                  `@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components/${FECMapper[importName] || importName}`,
                preventFullImport: false,
                skipDefaultConversion: true
        // other plugins, for instance PF transform imports and such as well

As with direct imports you can choose between esm and cjs output.

// cjs
transform: (importName) =>`@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components/${FECMapper[importName] || importName}`,
// esm
transform: (importName) =>`@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components/esm/${FECMapper[importName] || importName}`,

Running with another applicaiton

This set up should work with most applications but individual apps may have dependency conflicts. In this example Insights-Inventory-Frontend will be used

  • In FEC, npm i && npm run build -> cd dist/@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components -> here run npm link
  • In Inventory root, run npm link @redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components
  • Verify it actually linked with ls -l node_modules/@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components
  • In Inventorys fec.config.js , attach resolve: { modules: ['...', resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules'), 'node_modules'], }, after module federation (FEC packages are looking for node modules in its own context and not the actual app, this overrides it)
  • npm run buildIn Inventory
  • npm run start:proxy also in Inventory -> Done

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