Various red5 server plugins.
To build a plugin jar, execute the following on the command line from within the plugin base directory:
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package
This will create the jar in the "target" directory of the workspace; this will also skip the unit tests.
To download the projects dependencies execute this:
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
This will download all the dependencies into the "target" directory under "dependency". The files located in that directory should be placed in the red5/plugins directory ONLY if they don't already exist within the red5/lib directory.
- Create the eclipse project files, execute this within a plugin base directory.
mvn eclipse:eclipse
- Import the project into Eclipse.
- Access the right-click menu and select "Configure" and then "Convert to Maven Project".
- Now the project will build automatically, if you have the maven plugin installed.
If you see this Warning in eclipse:
Build path specifies execution environment JavaSE-1.6. There are no JREs installed in the workspace that are strictly compatible with this environment.
Go to the project properties and change the "JRE System Library" to workspace default.