The Xibeca Dev Kit is a prototyping and development board for the Xibeca platform.
Connect the DC power supply, and connect a USB cable to your computer. The power LED on the board will light up, and a USB Audio and MIDI interface will appear under the name OWL-XIBECA. You can now interact with the device over MIDI. Using a browser with WebMIDI (e.g. Chromium/Chrome) open the device page. Click Connect To Device to see the device status and firmware version.
DSP programs, which we call patches, can be loaded into RAM or stored on the device. To try out a patch, go to the patch library and select the patch you want to try. Click the Device
sub-tab (next to About
) then Connect to Device
. Click LOAD
to upload the patch (by MIDI SysEx) and run it from device RAM. To store a patch, select the patch slot. Stored patches can be recalled by sending a MIDI Program Change command, e.g. sending PC 3
will load the patch stored in slot 3. By default, the patch in slot 1 is loaded on startup.
The device is updated in DFU mode. There are two ways to enter DFU mode, either by sending a MIDI bootloader command, or by shorting the BOOT jumper on the back of the Xibeca.
To send a bootloader command, connect the device and go to the extended web control page. Click Reset to Boot Loader. Now open the OWL Web DFU. Click Connect to OWL
. Choose the firmware binary file you want to flash the device with. Click Enable advanced mode
then Flash bootloader
The Xibeca board has a miniature 10-pin SWD programming header on the back. Connect a programmer, e.g. an STLinkV2 with Olimex JTAG 20-10 adapter. Pin 1 is furthest away from the micro-USB connector. A remote debug session can now be set up with OpenOCD and arm-none-eabi-gdb. Firmware source code and OpenOCD configuration scripts are available in the OpenWare firmware repository.
- OpenWare OWL firmware
- OwlProgram SDK Offline patch compilation
- Xibeca Dev Kit Ports (pdf) Input and output diagram
- Xibeca Dev Kit iBOM Interactive BOM and layout
- Xibeca Overview (pdf) Platform introduction and pinout
- Xibeca Alternate Pin Functions (pdf) Pinout with all pin functions