I've downloaded and compiled the project building for all targets, and noticed that the umd/global distribution is missing the .d.ts definition files.
I've played around a little, and the closest I got was to compile to amd using outFile instead of outDir, that generates a single .d.ts, but its missing the Global name "Rx",
for example, its generating
declare module "Subscription" {
export class Subscription {
static EMPTY: Subscription;
isUnsubscribed: boolean;
constructor(_unsubscribe?: () => void);
unsubscribe(): void;
add(subscription: Subscription | Function | void): void;
remove(subscription: Subscription): void;
export class UnsubscriptionError extends Error {
errors: any[];
constructor(errors: any[]);
Where I think it should create
declare module "Rx.Subscription" {
Sadly the project Im building now needs the umd version and I can't get typings :(