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Connectable Observable Operators

DavidMGross edited this page Feb 4, 2014 · 32 revisions

This section explains the ConnectableObservable subclass and its operators:

A Connectable Observable resembles an ordinary Observable, except that it does not begin emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its connect() method is called. In this way you can wait for all intended Subscribers to subscribe to the Observable before the Observable begins emitting items.

The following example code shows two Subscribers subscribing to the same Observable. In the first case, they subscribe to an ordinary Observable; in the second case, they subscribe to a Connectable Observable that only connects after both Subscribers subscribe. Note the difference in the output:

Example #1:

def firstMillion  = Observable.range( 1, 1000000 ).sample(7, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

   { println("Subscriber #1:" + it); },       // onNext
   { println("Error: " + it.getMessage()); }, // onError
   { println("Sequence #1 complete"); }       // onCompleted

    { println("Subscriber #2:" + it); },       // onNext
    { println("Error: " + it.getMessage()); }, // onError
    { println("Sequence #2 complete"); }       // onCompleted
Subscriber #1:211128
Subscriber #1:411633
Subscriber #1:629605
Subscriber #1:841903
Sequence #1 complete
Subscriber #2:244776
Subscriber #2:431416
Subscriber #2:621647
Subscriber #2:826996
Sequence #2 complete

Example #2:

def firstMillion  = Observable.range( 1, 1000000 ).sample(7, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).publish();

   { println("Subscriber #1:" + it); },       // onNext
   { println("Error: " + it.getMessage()); }, // onError
   { println("Sequence #1 complete"); }       // onCompleted

   { println("Subscriber #2:" + it); },       // onNext
   { println("Error: " + it.getMessage()); }, // onError
   { println("Sequence #2 complete"); }       // onCompleted

Subscriber #2:208683
Subscriber #1:208683
Subscriber #2:432509
Subscriber #1:432509
Subscriber #2:644270
Subscriber #1:644270
Subscriber #2:887885
Subscriber #1:887885
Sequence #2 complete
Sequence #1 complete

see also:

ConnectableObservable.connect( )

instructs a Connectable Observable to begin emitting items

Call a Connectable Observable's connect( ) method to instruct it to begin emitting the items from its underlying Observable to its Subscribers.

The connect( ) method returns a Subscription. You can call that object's unsubscribe( ) method to instruct the Observable to stop emitting items to its Subscribers.

You can also use the connect( ) method to instruct an Observable to begin emitting items (or, to begin generating items that would be emitted) even before any Subscriber has subscribed to it.

see also

Observable.publish( ) and Observable.multicast( )

represents an Observable as a Connectable Observable

To represent an Observable as a Connectable Observable, use the publish( ) or multicast() method.

see also:

Observable.publishLast( )

represent an Observable as a Connectable Observable that emits only the last item emitted by the source Observable

see also:

Observable.replay( )

ensures that all Subscribers see the same sequence of emitted items, even if they subscribe after the Observable begins emitting items

There are varieties of replay( ) that return a ConnectableObservable that you then must use the publish( ) operator on so that Subscribers may connect to it:

And there are also varieties of replay( ) that accept a selector argument and return a simple Observable:

In each variety there are versions with which you can limit the number of replayable items either by quantity or by whether or not they were emitted within a particular timespan.

see also:

ConnectableObservable.refCount( )

makes a Connectable Observable behave like an ordinary Observable

You can represent a Connectable Observable so that it behaves much like an ordinary Observable by using the refCount( ) operator. This operator keeps track of how many Subscribers are subscribed to the resulting Observable and refrains from disconnecting from the source ConnectableObservable until all such Observables unsubscribe.

see also:

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