We are welcome to any pull request, which has a clear goal and description. Also please use eslint while developing.
List of contributors:
Alexey Lyakhov justfly1984@gmail.com Awwit awwit@gmail.com Ivan Konev ivankonev@gmail.com
- Clone repository
- git checkout development
- make your own branch and make PR to development branch after finish with changes.
- Use yarn to install in root folder and in each package directory.
Inside root folder you will find packages:
- @reactsg/googlemaps
- @react-google-maps/infobox
- @react-google-maps/marker-clusterer
- gatsby-example https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/issues
- storybook https://github.com/storybooks/storybook - for visual testing of our components
You can donate or became a sponsor https://opencollective.com/react-google-maps-api#category-CONTRIBUTE