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Data Preprocessing, Logistic Regression and AdaBoost from scratch

In this assignment, we had to implement logistic regression and adaboost from scratch and train them on 3 different datasets. The datasets were preprocessed and the models were trained and tested on them. The task was to

  • Preprocess the data
    • Remove outliers
    • Handle missing values
    • Handle imbalanced data
    • Scale the data
    • Encode the categorical data
  • Implement logistic regression and adaboost from scratch
  • Train and test the models on the datasets
    • With Logistic Regression
    • With AdaBoost (Ensemble of weak Logistic Regression models)
  • Compare the results with the results Between the Logistic Regression and AdaBoost model


How to set up the dataset

The dataset should be arranged in the following way:


Telco Customer Churn Dataset Performance

Name Value
Gradent Descent strategy Vanilla
Decay strategy inverse
Error Threshold 0.5
Epochs 1000
Top features 5
Initial learning rate 0.1

Weak Learner Performance

Performance Measure Training Test
Accuracy 0.73813 0.73774
Recall 0.01672 0.01604
Specificity 0.99927 0.99903
Precision 0.89286 0.85714
FDR 0.10714 0.14286
F1 Score 0.03283 0.03150

AdaBoost Performance

Number of boosting rounds Training Test
K = 5 0.78293 0.78252
K = 10 0.77387 0.78109
K = 15 0.75484 0.75551
K = 20 0.75751 0.75480

Adult Dataset Performance

Name Value
Gradent Descent strategy Vanilla
Decay strategy inverse
Error Threshold 0.5
Epochs 1000
Top features 5
Initial learning rate 0.1

Weak Learner Performance

Performance Measure Training Test
Accuracy 0.76298 0.76620
Recall 0.05155 0.05189
Specificity 0.99876 0.99886
Precision 0.93253 0.93659
FDR 0.06747 0.06341
F1 Score 0.09769 0.09834

AdaBoost Performance

Number of boosting rounds Training Test
K = 5 0.75280 0.75684
K = 10 0.75280 0.75684
K = 15 0.75280 0.75684
K = 20 0.77850 0.78035

Credit card Dataset Performance

Name Value
Gradent Descent strategy Vanilla
Decay strategy inverse
Error Threshold 0.5
Epochs 1000
Top features 5
Initial learning rate 0.1

Weak Learner Performance

Performance Measure Training Test
Accuracy 0.99504 0.99430
Recall 0.80856 0.76842
Specificity 0.99975 0.99975
Precision 0.98769 0.98649
FDR 0.01231 0.01351
F1 Score 0.88920 0.86391

AdaBoost Performance

Number of boosting rounds Training Test
K = 5 0.99504 0.99430
K = 10 0.96660 0.96580
K = 15 0.92675 0.92169
K = 20 0.93661 0.93804

What I had to learn

  • When to use min-max scaling and when to use standard scaling
  • When to use one hot encoding and when to use label encoding
    • if test data does not hold a categorical value that is present in the training data, one hot encoding will fail as is the case with {'native-country_Holand-Netherlands'} in the adult dataset
  • Removing outliers and handling imbalanced data
  • The outliers in the Credit Card dataset should not be removed because they are most likely the frauds that we are trying to detect

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